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I forced myself awake. It was dark, almost pitch black, and I felt myself getting dragged along the metal floor. A door rattled open and I was thrown into a cold, damp cell. I heard three more doors open, then get slammed closed and I knew that we all had been captured.

"Ugh. S-sun? Where are we?" I heard Lillie's voice come from the cell next to mine.

She didn't get a response from him. I answered.

"We've been captured by Giovanni. That's all I know, and I've been awake longer than you."


I heard her slid down her wall, and then I heard a sniffle. She began to cry and I sighed. Memories of when I met Rose came flooding back to me. Before I could dwell too far on them, my door rattled open and a cloth was pressed against my mouth. Out of shock, I took a deep breath and passed out.

A/N: Tee hee! Y'all know what just happened!

I awoke, moaning.

"Damn you, who ever created chlorophyl."

Opening my eyes, I spotted Sun and his friends tied to opposite walls of a metal cage. A guard was toying with Sun.

"This is a nice phone. This is a nice flippin' phone. I think I'll keep this flippin' phone."

A man shouted at the guard. "Oi! Stop terrorizing the prisoners, Greith!"

Greith, the guard, mumbled, then walked away. After waiting for a moment, I freed my hands, ripped off the duct-tape holding my mouth closed, then freed the others. As I worked on my son's restraints, I voiced my displeasure at him.

"I promised your mother that I'd keep care of you as soon as we found out she was pregnant, but how am I to do that when you go running off without telling any of us?!"

He hung his head in shame and I sighed. Holding my hands to look like I was still tied up, I nodded at Sun.

"Call the guard."

He and his friends looked at me, confused, but mimicked what I was doing. Sun inhaled, then yelled at a guard behind me.

"Hey! Over here!"

The guard walked right over and began to cuss Sun out. I grabbed him and slammed the man into the cage multiple times before he grew limp. Lillie quietly yelped.

"You killed him!"

I looked the kids in the eyes. "That's what they teach you in the army."

I grabbed the guard's key and unlocked the door. "Follow close behind and do exactly what I say, understand? You're going to get out of this alive, I promise."

The boy hissed at me. "What about you, mister hotshot? Will you make it out of here alive?"

I glared at him. "You know I can't promise that."

And with that, I snuck over to a wall. Pressing against it, I led my charges through the camp, making the tiniest of sounds. Sun climbed into a building and I heard a guard begin to yell on the other-side and my blood went cold.

Oh, for your mother's sake, please be okay!

Lillie, the boy(who I just learned was named Gladion) and I rushed in to find Sun panting before a fallen guard. I looked him over and saw blood on his hands and began to panic, until I saw a pool of the stuff around the guard.

"Good going, son. Let's get a move on."

Sun let out a sigh and we got moving. Lilly stumbled upon critical items and I took a lot of the things. I let Sun keep his phone, as well as his Pokédex.

"Good. Now, Pokémon."

We snuck around the camp and managed to stealthily liberate our Pokémon, who knew instantly the situation at hand.

With Cinder's ball in my hand, we hid under a bridge and I took out the map. In the middle of planning, a gun was fired and Gladion collapsed, face in shock. Sun and Lillie spun around to stare at the group that had amassed behind us without our knowledge. The leader was saying something, but I was too busy making sure that the teen didn't bleed out.

I yelled in his face. "Stay with me kid! You're gunna get out of this, so stick with me!"

With a strong tug, I finished off tying the cloth that would apply pressure to the neck while we ran.

Greith yelled at us, while wildly whipping a slightly smoking gun around. "You know what? I'll give you ten seconds to run. You hear me? I said run! I SAID FUCKING RUN!"

Without a second thought, I threw Gladion over my shoulder and took off. Sun and Lillie took a different path and we got separated.

Sun can take care of himself! I need to get this kid to safety!

Little did I know that my son was in dire trouble.

A/N: Ah, there we go. Another chapter. How'd it go? What do you think Sun & Lillie will do once they're separated from Sun's Dad? Have a fantastic day guys and gals, wherever you are!

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