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I shifted in my sleep, unwilling to wake up while in Premiere's arms.

"Ah, there you are. Sleep well?"

With great reluctance, I opened my eyes. The Aura Guardian was standing before me with a smile and he was blocking the sun. I sighed, then shook Premiere awake.


She looked at the Guardian, then released me. I stood up and rolled my head to work out the kinks in my neck. The Guardian looked at me with a smile, then walked over to the other end of the beach. I followed him and he pulled out a piece of cloth.

"Put this on."

I looked at it, confused, but did as I was told. After wrapping it around my eyes, I took a deep breath. I strained to hear his footsteps.

"Let this be your first lesson. Aura Sense. Relax, let your mind be devoid of thoughts."

I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, slowing my pulse. I struggled to empty my mind and keep it that way. There always seemed to be some sort of sphere that refused to leave. The Guardian said something, but I was too focused on investigating the orb. After a long trek through my mind, I stumbled upon a door and opened it, releasing a wave of strange energy through my body. With it, I was able to "see" the world around me. The Guardian was still trying to talk to me, but I paid him no mind. Around twenty pistol-wielding thugs were trying to sneak up on us.

I reached for Premiere's mind and awoke her. She walked over to me and I guided her in the direction of the thugs with this strange power. My starter blasted them with powerful water and the thugs were sent flying. I smiled, then sensed a creature swim up, obviously getting ready to attack. It lunged out of the water and I waited for the right moment to roll away.

The Gyarados slammed into the ground and I casually threw a Pokeball, capturing the water-flying type. I continued to explore the capabilities of my new-found power and ended up seeing everything in shades of blue and gold. The Aura Guardian and his Lucario were dark blue with a tint of gold, and most of my Pokemon were light blue, but some had hints of dark blue. Premiere was entirely dark blue had had a tiny hint of gold. Feeling exhausted, I pulled away from the power and clung to Premiere for support. I pulled off my blindfold to find a surprised Aura Guardian.

"I-I haven't seen an Aura like that in years! Incredible!"

I sat down in Premiere's lap. "Thanks for the compliment. Mind telling me your name? You never actually said it."

"Huh? Oh, right. I guess it's fine if I tell you. My name is Riely. And I'm guessing your name is Sun?"

"Mhm. You heard my conversation with my pal Hau, didn't you? He loves to eat, especially malasadas. Ugh, I really need to go back to sleep."

Riely chuckled. "After a display like that, I'm sure you do. You can come back with me, or you can stay here. You're choice. Bye."

I waved him bye, then snuggled up against Premiere, falling asleep almost instantly. What I didn't know, Lil was looking for me.


I waded through waist-high brush and ducked under low branches as I looked for Sun. There was a faint roaring sound, but I paid it little mind. The sound got louder and louder and eventually, I discovered I was actually listening to a waterfall. But, by the time I found that out, I was already falling. With a loud splash, I slammed into the water below and struggled to keep a hold of consciousness. A Pokemon pulled me out of the water and plonked me in the arms of a different Pokemon. As much as I hated to do so, I passed out.

Blooming (a sunflower shipping storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن