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I slowly opened an eye. Something was wrong. It didn't have to do with Kyogre or Groudon, no. It had to do with Alola. It had to do with my rival, yet friend, Necrozma.

With a roar, I took to the skies, rushing to help her. The other legendaries joined me as we went to help Necrozma. After hours of flying, I closed my eyes and listened. I listened for the soft hum which was Necrozma's.


I dove down to find a group of Pokemon huddling around a Charizard. He looked up with wide eyes, as did the rest of his friends. Inside, I laughed.

It seems that Necrozma has found some friends. Good for her.

Gently, I landed and slid a bit closer to the Charizard. He shifted, like he was trying to wake someone up. I sat there patiently but began to flail when an electric net was thrown onto me. My racket woke up whoever was under the Charizard's wings.

"The heck?"

A boy crawled out from under the Charizard's wings, then gasped when he saw me. In the blink of an eye, a ball was in his hand and he threw it as hard as he could at me. My world became white and then faded back to reality. Everything was tinted red and the boy was a lot larger than he was before.

"Alight, Rayquaza! Let's show 'em who they're messin' with!"

He threw me and my vision was overcome by red, which faded to reality. I let out a challenging roar as I felt myself get bigger.

Ah, so he caught me. Very well then.

"Okay, Rayquaza! You with me?"

Yes, I am. Let us show these fools what happens when you mess with a master of the sky!

Behind me, I heard the boy chuckle, then click something into something.

"You do know a Dragon-type move, right?"

Yes. The ancient move Dragon Accent. If you have a keystone, I am able to Mega Evolve.

"Ooh, this'll be fu-un. Let's do this... together! Let's surpass our barriers together! MEGA EVOLVE!"

Incredible power came flooding into me from my new Trainer. Spectral dragons surrounded me as my body changed into a form that was not my Mega Evolved form, but something stronger. I heard a girl gasp, but I paid it no mind.

"Rayquaza! Devastating Drake!"

I roared at the incredible power that was rushing into me from my Trainer and his Pokemon. I shaped my Aura into a powerful dragon-shaped blast and launched it at my would-be captors, sending them sprawling. My Trainer fell to his knees, panting, and his female friend came rushing to his aid.

"Sun! Don't give up yet! There's still more of them!"

My trainer groaned, but my ears began to hear a whisper. The whisper got louder and louder until everyone heard it. The voice kept repeating the same two words.

"Lillie Ather... Lillie Ather... Lillie Ather... Lillie Ather...! Lillie Ather...! Lillie Ather...! LILLIE ATHER!"

With a loud boom, a Pokemon appeared next to me, standing tall. The girl stood up, amazed. The giant white Pokemon looked back at the girl and nodded.

"I am yours to command."

Inside, my inner fan-boy began to go into overdrive. I forced it down and focused on the battle. Around a hundred Zubats hovered before us and I heard Arceus snort. My Trainer groaned and I looked back at him, worried. He was on his side and had taken off his bracelet.

"Lil. Use my Z-Power Ring. Take 'em out."

Lillie turned around and gently took the bracelet from my Trainer. She slipped it on, then placed a white crystal in the thing and took a specific stance. The girl took a deep breath, then gave Arceus a command.

"Arceus! Breakneck Blitz!"

She moved her body in a specific way and I noticed the crystal was beginning to glow. It glowed brighter and brighter and brighter until it was almost too hard to look at. Despite that, through the blinding light, I noticed the crystal changing shape.

Arceus roared, bending space and time, then lept into the air. A brilliant light lowed from within and Arceus shot it up into the sky, only for it to come back down on the Zubats. They all fainted and the Zubats' Trainers all picked up their Pokemon and fled in fear. I noticed Lillie swaying and I grew worried.


She fell down, eyes snapping close. Sun rushed up to her and gently slipped his bracelet off her tiny arm. Once he did that, he placed her in his lap and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Shh, it'll be okay, Lil. Just get some sleep." He looked up at Arceus and I. "Thank you for helping us. If you wish, I can release the two of you."

Arceus shook his head. "Don't. There is still a disturbance here and we can only right it if we are with you. So, let us stay with you and fight by your side. We will never disobey orders."

Sun looked down at the girl in his lap, then back at Arceus. "Alright then. Is it okay if you party with my friend? I've already got a team that I work well with."

I nodded, then gently laid down. Sun retrieved me as well as Arceus, then slipped both our balls into Lillie's bag. With a smile, I closed my eyes and slept.1

Okay! Sorry for a super late update. I've been focused on other books.

Anyways, tell me how it went!

I don't have much to say, so bye!

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