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I looked at the device in my hand. With a smile, I lept to the next branch. My brother caught up.

"Jeez, sis! Wait up!"

I paused and smiled at my brother. "What, the Warlord of Aurora can't keep up with his sister? Pity."

I continued on, focused on finding the artifact. My partner, Eevee, lept besides me and together we rushed ahead. The two of us didn't stop until we came to the edge of the forest.

What? There shouldn't be a village here, should there?

My brother knelt beside me, on a different branch. We looked at each other, then at the village. My psychic partner made an observation.

"It looks like a ghost-town."

The color drained from my face. "G-g-g-g-g-g-ghost?"

My brother looked at me. "Uh-oh."

Before I could scream, there was a bang and a sharp pain ignited in my leg. I fell out of the trees and landed on the stone ground with a solid thud. My brother appeared next to me and it seemed like he was staring someone hiding in the forest down.

"Get away from my sister!"

There was a pair of footsteps, then a 'pop' as a Lucario materialized in a flash of red. A man ran up to said Lucario, ready for battle.

"Lucario! Aura Sphere! Cover me!"

The Lucario began to launch dozens of spheres as its Trainer hovered over me.

"Hang in there. I'll get you out of here, don't worry. You!" His head snapped up to look at my brother. "Get her out of here!"

My brother nodded, then scooped me up in his arms. Our Eevees grabbed some kind of rope and sprinted into the forest, going so fast they were making an after-image. They came out without the rope and they lept onto my brother's shoulders.

Something whizzed past my brother's ear, but he didn't flinch. Instead, he picked up the pace and bolted into a building, the door slamming shut.

"You still with me, sis?"

I looked at him and nodded.

"Good. Rest up."

He set me down on a bed and began to tend to my leg. He pulled my pants away from the wound and began to carefully dig out the metal that was stuck in my leg. With unrivaled care, he closed the wound and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

He could be such a jerk, but he could be super loving when he needs to. I smiled at him and watched as he left the room.

"Noctral, take care. Please."

He paused to look at me. "I will. Sweet dreams, Yuki." He kissed me on the forehead again before leaving.

I waited a long time before giggling. He didn't notice!

I pulled the tiny notebook out from under my blanket and quietly giggled. It was my brother's sketchbook! I flipped through it, gazing at the drawings he's done in the last couple of years. Just saying, he's got amazing talent and an amazing eye for detail! At first, the drawings were of just wild Pokemon, flying/running in amazing sunsets. Then, it was of me in dumb positions, like having my head in a barrel.

Why you-!

I turned the page and saw a drawing of me sleeping with my Eevee. That got a smile from me. There were several more of me sleeping on a windowsill (my favorite place!) midday with an Eevee in my arms. I almost burst into laughter at the next drawing!

The next drawing was of Oichi and her Jigglypuff grabbing a pail of water from a well that was close to the castle. The next drawing was of Oichi during battle, her surroundings blurred. The next one was of Oichi crying at night, her Jigglypuff not by her side.

I flipped the page to find a drawing where Noctral was holding a crying Oichi close. The one after that was definitely something from his imagination. Noctral had Oichi in his arms and was kissing her. Kissing! Can you believe that?!


I looked up to see my brother standing in the door with his arms crossed.

"I think you have something that belongs to me."

I grinned and looked him in the eye. "You like Oichi!"

"I do not!"

"Oh, yes you do!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

My brother growled. "I. Do. Not. Like. Oichi!"

I smiled. "Oh ho! Yes you do! You have a drawing of you kissing her!"

His face got bright red. "Give me that, now!"

I giggled and rolled over, hiding it under me. "Nope!"

My brother forced me onto my back and snagged his notebook from my hands. I giggled nonstop as he stormed out the building.

I wonder: how long will it take him before he realizes that's my sketchbook?

With a smile, I grabbed his notebook from under my pillow and flipped to the page of him kissing Oichi. I flipped to the next page and it was of Oichi standing in the sunset, wind tugging at her hair. With another flip, I came across a drawing of him linking with Arceus, Oichi covering her mouth with her hands. Another flip and it was of him and Oichi kissing again, this time with Arceus between them. I flipped the page again and came across a blank page.

Nu-uh. Not falling for that.

I flipped the page several times before I saw something that made my eyes go huge.

How'd he pull this one off?!

It was of Oichi standing in a steaming river without any clothes. The water came halfway up her back and she was standing facing away from Noctral, seemingly unaware. I flipped the page and almost burst into laughter. This one was of Oichi sleeping! She had the blanket pulled to her arm-pits, but what really made this one special was the fact that she also had nothing on! Before I turned the page, I noticed that she had wet hair, so I assume this was after the river picture.

The next one forced a tiny laugh from me. It was of Noctral accidentally entering her room while she was changing!


I looked up to see my brother storming over to me. Quickly, I closed the book and laughed. "You really love Oichi, don't you?"

My brother didn't answer and instead snagged his book from my hands and slammed mine into my chest. He stormed over to the door, but before he left, he glared at me.

"Speak a single word of this and you're dead. Got it?"

I giggled and he left. After getting a hold of myself, I drifted to sleep.

I've got an idea on how I can make your fantasies true, brother. You may or may not like them, but I'm GOING to do it.

And there's another chapter done! How was it?

Kinda goofy at the end, right?

Anyways, have fun and bye!

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