Chapter 32

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We are facing Shelby's headstone, Sarah is curled up asleep on the grave.

Erica is approaching the grave, for a second, she stares at Sarah and smiles, she kneels down before gently waking her.

Sarah startles awake, opens her eyes and sits up, her sleep filled voice answers a question before it has been asked, "Don't tell me," she rubs her eyes, "I shouldn't be sleeping here in the cemetery in the middle of the night."

Erica smiles at Sarah, "Safest place in the world to be."

Sarah sigh's, "Coz everyone's dead," looking up at Erica, "I knew you'd come back here."

Erica sits on the wet ground, "It's really late Sarah." Her voice tainted with concern.

Sarah's reply is filled with sorrow, "You never said goodbye."

Erica gently takes Sarah's hand, "You're gonna have to forgive me for that."

"You're never coming back." Came Sarah's mournful reply.

Both girl's exchange looks, both are saddened and feeling a little lonely.

From her pocket, Erica produces a charm bracelet that was once Shelby's, "A long time ago I bought this for Shelby," leaning towards Sarah and putting the bracelet on her, "I bought her new charms, for her birthday and Christmas," taking a breath, "Shelby would want you to have this," smiling, "this way, you'll always remember her." Erica straightens back up to her sitting position.

Sarah shakes her head in awe and love, "I'll never take it off." There are tears brimming in Sarah's eyes.

A single tear falls from Erica's eye, she reaches out her hand and places it gently on Sarah's cheek, she leans in to Erica's touch just as the tears cascade from her eyes.

Erica carefully takes her hand away, Sarah wraps her arms around Erica one final time.

Sarah then stands up, "I'll sneak back into the house."  She turns and starts walking away.

Erica looks upset as she watches her.

Sarah turn's back to face Erica and whispers, "Bye."

Erica kneels there her eyes on Sarah, "Bye."

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