Chapter 6: Daydreaming

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"I can't believe we're finally here all alone" Crystal said as she looked into Bryson's eyes.

"Yeah just you & me" Bryson said smiling at her.

Crystal invited Bryson over to her house to keep her company while her mother was gone for work.

"I really love being here with you Bry"

"Don't say that. You don't mean that"

"I'm serious Bry" she laid her hands on his cheeks and look deeply into his eyes. "I have fallen in love with you."

"You have?" He looked at her surprised.

"Yeah I love you Bry"

"I love you too Crystal"

"Aww Bry" she leaned closer to him until her lips met his and kissed him.

Bryson wrapped his arms around Crystal pulling her body closer to him.
Bryson moved his hands rubbing her back while kissing her.

As their kiss deepened, Crystal slowly laid herself on the bed with Bryson leaning along with her. Bryson was now on top of her kissing her strongly.

Crystal moved her hands from his back to his hair rubbing his scalp.
They both moaned while kissing each other.

Bryson broke away from the kiss to take his shirt off. Looking down at Crystal he said, "You're mine. All mine baby." He lean back down kissing her again.

Crystal ran her hands all over his back. "Aww Bryson" she moaned while kissing him. She switched places with him and got on top of him. Her lips were still glued to his as she began to unbotton her shirt.

Bryson noticed her unbuttoning her shirt and moved his lips to her neck, kissing and sucking on it. "Aww Bryson" Crystal moaned again as Bryson left hickeys on her neck.

Crystal took her shirt off and set up looking into his eyes. She began starting to unfasten her bra and slowly sliding each strap off her shoulder. She threw the bra on the floor.

"Aww Crystal" Bryson cupped her breasts and began massaging them."Aww Crystal" Crystal began to roll her body in a circular motion on Bryson's cover crotch. Bryson squeezed her breasts gently together as she closed her eyes and swirl her head around. Bryson massages her nipples with his thumbs deeply and gently her body still swirling around his crotch. "Aww Crystal" Bryson began to feel himself getting harder and desperately wanted his sweats to be taken off.


"Aww Crystal"

"Bryson! Bryson!"

"Crystal aww..."

"BRYSON GET YO ASS UP!" his sister said barging in slapping a t shirt in his face.

"You bitch! How dare you wake me up!" Bryson lashed out on his sister.

"GET YO ASS UP WE GON BE LATE TO SCHOOL! NOW!" Tara ran out that room fast so that Bryson wouldn't throw something at her.

Bryson grunted, "Dammit Tara!" he mumbled under his breath. Bryson twist and turn and accidentally fell out of his bed. "Shit!"


Bryson walked to his locker to get his books for class. "So how did go?" Tyler asked referring to the phone conversation Bryson had with Crystal yesterday.

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