Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The week passed by with a blink of an eye. Between classes and spending time with Cate and her other friends, Alyssa had a good week. Though she found it strange that she didn't sleep so much. After her long deep sleep after getting wasted at Gothica, she had only slept for two-three hours per night. Despite the fact that she should have been sleep deprived, she felt wonderful. It seemed that sleeping those short few hours per night really did her good, as she felt more fresh and awake then ever after sleeping.

The weekend was approaching and Cate and Alyssa had decided to go shopping Friday afternoon, since they only had one class that morning between 9 and 11. After class they parted ways, went home to change and what not and then met up at the closest mall to eat. The both ate Thai food and then started their shopping.

After a few hours, hands heavy with bags, they decided to eat again, this time being healthy with ordering a salad each. Then they shopped some more. It was already dark when they decided to call it a day.

They were walking to the bus stop when they heard someone call out. "Yo, Cate, Alyssa!". Turning around, they were faced with Maddox and Gwen approaching. "Alyssa, hi! And Cate, hi!", Gwen smiled and Alyssa smiled back, genuinely happy to see her... friend? They hadn't know each other long, or knew much about each other, but Alyssa felt like she had a friend in Gwen. While Alyssa, Gwen and Maddox seemed happy to have met up, the same could not be said about Cate. Cate didn't seem to think that it was a good thing that they had met Maddox and Gwen. "Nice to see you, but we gotta go. C'mon Alyssa", Cate abruptly said, tugging at Alyssa's arm. Alyssa was curious as to why Cate behaves like that, but went along with it, saying goodbye to Gwen and Maddox.

They were sitting on the bus when Alyssa got the nerve to ask Cate why she had behaved like that. "I don't trust them Alyssa. That night when you disappeared, they both behaved really strange and so did you. Not only that, but isn't it strange that I can't remember my night with Maddox and you can barely remember anything from that night? Neither of us, to our knowledge, drank nearly enough to have blackouts like that. I've never had a blackout before, and I've drank a lot more before. C'mon Alyssa, tell me you don't think that's a little weird?". Alyssa agreed with Cate, to an extent. Yes, it was weird, but somehow she trusted Maddox and more importantly, Gwen. Alyssa told Cate this, who got irritated at her (what she thought) stupid friend. Alyssa understood her, in Cate's shoes, she would have felt the same thing, but as Alyssa she couldn't deny the pull she felt towards them both, though to a lesser degree then to Lennox, her mysterious man.

They spent the rest of the bus ride in silence, Cate staring in her thoughts of her stupid friend, and Alyssa had ventured in to the thoughts of Lennox, a man she'd barely met that still haunted her thoughts.

Alyssa's bus stop came first, but when she said goodbye to her friend, Cate ignored her. Sighing, Alyssa stepped of the bus, knowing that as soon as they met or spoke again they'd both apologize and be best friends again.


Saturday morning and half of the afternoon passed, without a word from Cate. Alyssa called and texted, but Cate never responded. Angry at Cate, Alyssa found herself restless. She decided to go out. Pretty soon the thought of Gothica entered her mind. She knew she shouldn't, but the thought of Gothica, of Lennox, pulled at her mind. In an almost machine-like way, Alyssa got dressed in one of her favorite black dress, that looked like it had a corset.

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