Chapter 9

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Chapter 9



When he answered the phone, Alyssa suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Okay. I'm hanging up now". "Wait", Alyssa finally spoke. "Who is this?", Maddox asked. "It's Alyssa. I... I need to see Lennox. Can you get a message to him? Can you tell him I need to see him?". Maddox was silent for a moment, and Alyssa expected him to hang up on her. "Yeah, I'll let him know", Maddox hung up.

After that, it was a waiting game. Alyssa didn't even know if he'd show up, as the last time she'd been rather rude by laughing instead of letting him explain himself. She hoped that he'd call at least, but everything was in Lennox court now.

Alyssa got dressed, putting on casual yet not to casual clothing's. She put up her hair in a low ponytail and some light make-up. Then it was just waiting and hoping that Lennox showed up.

It was almost 4 in the morning when there was a knock on the door. Racing to the door, Alyssa opened it and was disappointed by who it was. She loved Gwen, she really did, but right then she only wanted to see Lennox.

"Sorry to disappoint, but Lennox couldn't come here. He sent me to take you to him", Gwen said and within moments Alyssa was out the door. Gwen led her to her car, and Alyssa placed herself in the front seat.

The first few minutes of the car ride was spent in silence, before Gwen put on some music and started singing along. "Common Alyssa, sing with me!", Gwen said after a song. Alyssa, not wanting Gwen to start talking about vampires, as that was something she wanted to talk with only Lennox, also started to sing.

For the entirety of the ride, which was about 30 minutes in total, Gwen and Alyssa sang, and left them both with big grins on their faces.

For the last ten minutes they drove though a forest. Finally they arrived at a large mansion, smack in the middle of a clearing in the forest. There was a large dirt-road up to the mansion, lit up by lights all the way.

Gwen stopped the car right in front of the mansion. "You go ahead, I'll go park the car in the garage. Maddox is waiting inside, he'll take you to Lennox". With that said, Alyssa exited the car and walked to the front door. Looking behind her, she saw Gwen drive away around the corner, where the garage presumably was.

When she was standing in front of the door, she was unsure if she should knock or go inside. She decided to knock. The door opened right away; it was Maddox. "Why did you knock? You could have gone right in", Maddox said, though he grinned as if to say that he was just messing with her.

Maddox led her though the main hall, and Alyssa could see a bunch of people in the rooms that was beside the hall. It seemed as if everyone stopped what they were doing and were watching Maddox and Alyssa walk by. After the hallway, they walked up two flights of stairs that also was filled with some people, all who also stopped to stare at Maddox and Alyssa. After the stairs, they walked down another hallway before stopping in front of a black door. Strangely, all other doors that Alyssa had seen were white, with only this one being black.

"Go inside. Lennox is waiting in there", Maddox said before turning around and walking away. Swallowing nervously, Alyssa took a hold of the handle and slowly opened the door.


Elsewhere in the mansion, a little bit later

Gwen entered the main area, a living-room of sorts, and sat down on the couch next to Clyve. "Hi, Gwen. Saw the chick. Don't see the appeal, personally, but whatever", Clyve said to Gwen, who simply shook her head. Clyve, who was happily married to Marcus, said that about every woman and man he saw. Personally, Gwen thought he did that to make sure that Marcus never doubted his fidelity, as Marcus had a bad temper and was insanely jealous. "That's right, baby. The only one with appeal to you is me right?", Marcus always seemed to appear when Clyve was talking about someone else. "Of course, baby. You're all I need", Clyve said and then stood up to kiss Marcus. Shaking her head again, Gwen left the couch, not wanting to be there when Marcus and Clyve eventually started to go graphic, like they usually did, seemingly unaware that there was other people in the room.

She walked the main hallway, and met Maddox there. She greeted him with a kiss. Gwen and Maddox had been together for many years now, but they had an open relationship as they were not meant for each other (that was why Gwen hadn't killed him when he had sex with Alyssa's friend Cate). "How do you think it will go?", Gwen asked Maddox. "Well, I hope she gives him a hard time, he deserves it", Maddox said, and pretended that it hurt when Gwen smacked him on the back of his head. "Sorry, sorry. I meant to say that I hope it goes well. Lennox deserves to be happy, honestly", Maddox corrected himself and got another kiss as a reward.

They were walking hand in hand to their bedroom when there was a crash from upstairs. "Oh, yeah, I think it's going really well", Maddox grinned, and grinned even bigger when Gwen pushed him in to their bedroom.

Soon, Maddox wasn't speaking at all, only moaning pitifully as Gwen teased him mercilessly, refusing to let him touch her.


With Alyssa and Maddox

That son of a bitch. Alyssa was gonna kill him.

A little bit earlier

Alyssa nervously entered the room, the door closing softly behind her. The room was dark, with no lights lit, but she could still see everything clearly. As if enough strange things hadn't happened, she apparently now had night-vision or something.

She almost jumped when she noticed Lennox sitting on a couch to her left. "Hello Alyssa, I'm glad you came. Have a seat". She sat down next to Lennox. "I want to know everything. I won't laugh this time, I promise. I'll try and keep my mind open", Alyssa meant it. She wanted Lennox, and with Lennox came this vampire thing, even if it was true or not.

Lennox nodded to her words, and was silent for a moment, choosing how to begin. "I know you don't believe in vampires Alyssa, but consider it for a moment. Since we met, haven't anything strange happened?". Alyssa thought for a moment. Yes, there had been some strange things happening to her, but that must have been a coincidence, because she wasn't a vampire. "Yes, I have been noticing some strange things. Increased hunger, heightened emotions, my sleeping patters are wonky and my vision has improved. But that means nothing, because I'm not a vampire like you claim to be. It's probably hormones or something", Alyssa could admit it was strange, but not strange enough to warrant her to believe in vampires.

"I've got a confession", Lennox said after considering her words. "Those things have been happening for a reason. I'm that reason. Sort of. You know those drinks I gave you, down in the basement? They are the reason", that made no sense. Why would a drink cause something like strange sleeping patterns and night-vision? "What are you saying?", she was almost afraid to find out. "Those drinks... They are a concoction we make to turn someone in to a vampire. It only works on our mates. We mix our blood and venom. Then the mate has to drink it three times before the turning. You following me?". Alyssa could only focus on one thing. "You had me drink your blood?! And venom, is that like spit?! What the hell is wrong with you?!". "Alyssa, let me explain...". She didn't want to listen anymore. "I drank your blood?! What is wrong with you?!", in her rage and disbelief of the fact that she drank blood and spit, Alyssa stood up and passed the room. As she currently had heightened emotions, she felt a huge amount of rage. The get rid of that rage and hopefully calm down, Alyssa grabbed a nearby vase and threw it to the ground.

"That, uhm... That vase was almost 400 years old. It was priceless...", Lennox said, actually sounding upset. That made Alyssa calm down, slightly. "Why would you make me drink your blood? Even if what you say is true, about vampires, then why would you make me drink it before actually telling me what could happen if I did? What if I don't want to be a vampire? Did you ever consider that?", she was still pretty mad. She actually considered killing him. Like for real. The son of a bitch.

"Okay, so maybe I didn't explain it very well. Can I start over?". He was so dead.

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