Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

A/N: Mature stuff in this chapter folks! Not really, really graphic, but I still wanted to give a warning.


Alyssa spent the rest of the weekend coped up in her apartment, simply laying around and relaxing. Finally, on Sunday afternoon, Cate texted her back, saying simply to call her. Instantly, Alyssa grabbed her phone to call Cate. Surprisingly, Cate didn't even want to talk about when had gone on between the two of them, but rather wanted advice on what to wear to her date with Nicholas, who had asked her out during the week. Nicholas was in the same class as them, and Cate had fancied him since forever, thus making her forget that she was angry at Alyssa in order to have her friend help her with fashion advise.

"Ugh, I give up Alyssa! I can't decide... Please, pretty please, can you come over? We can have a sleepover, it's been a long time since we did that last!". Alyssa would never say no to a sleepover, something she really had missed doing. Cate and Alyssa ended their call, and Alyssa began packing her bag for a sleepover, along with her school items, since it was Monday tomorrow. When she'd packed, Cate came and picked Alyssa up in her car. Cate had a car, but rarely used it, due to the fact that it was a gift from her absent father. Cate usually said when asked that it was a silent protest against her father when she refused to used it.

Soon, they were at Cate's apartment, which was twice as large as Alyssa's (again due to daddy dearest, but on this Cate hadn't argued- anything to live alone). The first thing Cate and Alyssa did was to decide on an outfit for Cate's date, which was on the following Friday. Even though it was almost a week away, Cate was stressing about the fact that she hadn't found an outfit yet. Soon though, with the help of Alyssa, Cate found the outfit she wanted to wear.

They spent the rest of the evening having fun, watching movies and eating junk food. At midnight they decided that it was time to go to bed. Having a two-bedroom apartment, Cate had a guest bedroom which Alyssa slept in.

While Cate slept peacefully, Alyssa was tossing and turning. She had gotten about one hour of sleep before waking up, feeling fully rested. She tried to fall back asleep, she really did, but it was worthless. Eventually she gave up and picked up her phone to play some games. She was in the middle of a rough game of solitaire when she got a text that freaked her out. 'Can't sleep?', the text read, coming from an unknown number. How could anyone, besides Cate know if she was awake or not? Suddenly, a whisper; 'sleep'. Alyssa fell asleep.


When she woke up the next morning, she felt awful. She didn't feel sick or anything, just like she'd slept terribly and her body ached. For a moment she didn't remember what had happened, but when she did, she quickly grabbed her phone and checked her texts. She found no text from an unknown number. It was strange, and terrifying. She remembered the text, like it had just happened, yet it was gone. Then again, maybe it had been a dream. But it felt real.

Cate burst in to the room, "c'mon Alyssa, we have to leave in 30 minutes, why aren't you dressed yet?". Panicked, Alyssa quickly threw on a pair of jeans and a flowery shirt and ate a quick breakfast before it was time to leave for school.

Because of Alyssa, they were late so for once Cate decided to drive them to school. They arrived to their first class, English, just in time, thought not without getting some attention, due to the crashing in just as the bell rang, the only ones late. They were surprised though, when it was not Mr. Fling that was sitting at the front of the room, but rather someone new.

They had just taken a seat when the woman behind the desk stood up, and walked closer to the curious students. Alyssa could not deny it, whoever she was, she was really sexy. "Hello class. I am Danicca Harmy, Ms. Harmy, your substitute teacher. Your teacher, Mr. Fling had an... unfortunate accident, and won't be able to return for a few weeks at least, so you're stuck with me. Now, I know this isn't a class that is important to you future dentists, but I can assure you that even though I myself aren't a dentist, I am quite the expert on teeth so I think you'll find this class quite entertaining anyway", the apparent Ms. Harmy said while her gaze swept the classroom. "Let's begin. Pull out you textbooks and turn to page 265. Read the full chapter and then write a discussion of one topic you found most important to, well, discuss. Choose a topic you're either for or against. Let me know, do you agree or not. Why should others feel the same?".

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