Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

A/N: Mature stuff again! Well, if you're still reading this story, then that shouldn't be a problem but still, I wanted to warn you just in case.


She was pretty sure she died and went to heaven. Or maybe hell, as he wasn't hers to touch. Either way, it made her feel hot and she had to cross her legs as she was seated on the couch. Lennox took a deep breath, and for a brief moment Alyssa panicked an though that he could smell her arousal. She quickly realized that that was a stupid thought, no one could smell that from that distance.

"What time is it?", Lennox asked, and Alyssa was thankful for the distraction. "It's almost midnight". "I should go. I need to check the club", Lennox walked back to the bedroom, probably to put on his clothes. He seemed desperate to leave.

As soon as he'd put on his clothes, he was halfway to the door. "Wait, the dress", Alyssa said and grabbed Gwen's dress. "Can you give this back to Gwen?". "Keep it. It's yours. I bought it for you, not for Gwen". He had bought her a dress? The thought warmed her heart and gave her hope.

Lennox continued to the door. When he reached the door, Alyssa was struck with the thought that she didn't want him to leave. "No, wait. Please don't leave", she sounded desperate, but it was the truth. She didn't want him to leave. He nodded, and it seemed like he was in pain. Maybe he wanted to leave? But why agree to stay then?

There was an awkward silence, something that was seeming to become standard between them. Then Lennox crossed the room and kissed her. Shocked, Alyssa did not respond. Lennox pulled away. Scared that he'd leave, Alyssa got to action. She grabbed his face and pulled him down so that their lips could meet again. Taking control, Alyssa moved them so that Lennox's back was facing the couch and pushed him down, making him sit on the couch. She climbed on top of him, and captured his lips again. His hands held her waist, with her hands on his shoulder. This time, he was not going to leave.

They kissed for a while. She began to grind on him, making them both to moan. Alyssa was wet and Lennox was hard. One of his hands left her waist and found its way up her shirt. His hand grabbed her breast tightly making her moan loudly. She felt ready to explode already. Alyssa took her hand to his pants, beginning to unbutton them. Then, once again, Lennox stopped it by grabbing her hands and holding them in place. Their lips separated, but before Alyssa could explode and ask what the hell was happening, Lennox spoke. "Believe me Alyssa, I want this more then anything. But I can't. Not now. Not before you know the truth. I have a secret, a big one. I should tell you, but I'm afraid. Afraid that you'll leave me. But I have to tell you", Lennox seemed to mean it, he was afraid. And now Alyssa was afraid too. What if he was like a gangster or something? Mafia boss?

Alyssa moved off him, seating herself next to him on the couch. Facing each other, Alyssa could see Lennox nervously flickering his fingers. "What is going on?", Alyssa asked when Lennox didn't speak. "Alright, I'll tell you. Please don't freak out". Alyssa nodded, but to be honest, she'd probably freak out if he turned out to be a killer or something. "Alright, here we go. I am... Alysssa... Do you believe in the supernatural?", Alyssa shook her head, confused. Why did the supernatural have something to do with what Lennox wanted to say? "Okay, uhm... So, I'm a vampire". What. The. Hell? Alyssa, convinced that he was either joking or was crazy, started to laugh. Loudly.

While Alyssa laughed, praying that he was joking and not crazy, Lennox looked crushed, as if he actually believed it to be the truth. That look made Alyssa stop laughing. "Wait, you're actually serious? You think you're a vampire?", Alyssa still had hope that it was a joke. "Yes, Alyssa, I'm a vampire. So is Maddox, Gwen and your English teacher, Danicca Harmy. We... I'm sorry. I promise, I'll tell you everything, just please tell me you believe me". Alyssa's head hurt. Not only was Lennox delusional, he was also dragging in other people in her life. Was he lying or was Maddox, Gwen and Ms. Harmy also crazy?

"Get out", she couldn't deal with this right now. "Alyssa... Please". "Get out!", she wanted to be alone, figure out what the hell was happening. Silently and sadly, Lennox left the apartment. When the door closed behind him, Alyssa felt the strange emotion of sadness, wanting to burst in to tears.

She walked to her bedroom, where she fell asleep as the first lights of dawn rose, cheeks still wet from the tears she'd shed.


She called Cate when she woke up, wanting advice on what to do. Of course, Cate only made it worse. Cate, who'd slept with Maddox, had been bitten by him. That plus the mistrust she had for everyone at Gothica, all Cate would say was that they are all crazy and that Alyssa should stay away from them. Alyssa didn't want to stay away from them though least of all Lennox. He may have been crazy, but she still wanted him, crazy or not.

Alyssa ended the call with Cate, feeling worse then before the conversation.


She didn't go to school for the first few days of the week. She needed to think, and she didn't want to see Ms. Harmy, as she apparently was involved in this craziness. Cate was nice enough to bring in all of her assignments that couldn't be sent by email. During her home time, Alyssa was productive. She cleaned her entire apartment and moved her furniture, all because she felt restless. She missed Lennox, that she could not deny.

Not only was everything shit with Lennox, but so was her sleeping pattern. Since she'd been to Gothica that last time, she was unable to sleep during night. Instead she slept during the day. It seemed like the moment the sun rose, she was asleep and the moment it went down she woke up.

Everything was messed up.


Wednesday was the day (or rather, night) that she cracked. She couldn't deny it anymore; she wanted Lennox vampire or crazy. Alyssa was pretty sure he was crazy, but she could deal with that right?

As Gothica was not open on a Wednesday night, Alyssa almost wept with frustration when she realized she had no way to get in contact with Lennox until she could go to Gothica, on Friday night.

It was almost two in the morning when Alyssa remembered that Maddox had given her his number. She could call him and have him give a message to Lennox! She thought she was brilliant, until she realized that she didn't know where she put the number. She knew she'd put it on the table next to her front door, but as she'd cleaned her apartment there past few days, that number could be anywhere.

She searched high and low, and got really lucky an hour later when she found the note in a drawer in her bookcase. Luckily, she was a hoarder of receipts (you never knew when you had to return something or needed proof of ownership), and had a few on the table by the door. When she'd taken the receipts to her drawer for them, the note with the number must have been hidden among them.

She picked up her phone and dialed the number.



Gothica: Vampire BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora