Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

After the initial shock, Lennox began to demand what had happened, and soon it was clear that both he and Alyssa were suspects. Why? Because the council was looking for a murderer- the Queen had been murdered.

After a closer inspection, both Alyssa and Lennox could see the dagger embedded in the Queens chest; only Lennox recognized it though. Glancing at the owner of the dagger, he got a small nod and a small reassuring smile. Lennox was not reassured, as one could expect, as the owner of the dagger was his very own brother.

After Alyssa and Lennox had been questioned, they were let go as there was no evidence and they both used the other as an alibi.

They were walking out of the thone room when there was a shout from a guard who had looked in to a room in the hallway outside of the throne room with more guards rushing there, with the princes (and the new princess) following. What they saw inside shocked Lennox. Inside laid the bloody form of the guard that Alyssa had knocked unconscious in the ceremony hall, the one Lennox had left there after making sure that he was alive. And alive the guard was, currently scrambling, trying to explain why he was covered in blood with the Queen's body just a few rooms away. One thing Lennox knew though, was that while the guard had been bloody when Lennox found him, it was not to this extent. Could it be possible? Was this his mother killer? Then why had he used Quinnex dagger, the one that had belonged to their father and Quinnex had received after their father disappeared?

The guard, now known as Grubb, swore up and down as the other guards escorted him to the prison-cells that he had not killed the Queen. He swore that he had woken up in the throne room, bloody, and that the Queen was already dead. In a panic, he had fled, and taken cover where he had been found when he heard voices approaching the throne room.

Lennox didn't know what to think. Grubb seemed genuine, and the fact that it was Quinnex dagger was suspicious. The alternative was that it was Quinnex who killed their mother, and while believable, could Lennox really think that his brother was a murderer, of their own mother no less?


Lennox never found out the truth, as Grubb was executed the next day in secret under the orders of the soon-to-be-king Quinnex orders. Grubb was executed as the murderer of the Queen, and thus the investigation was closed. Now all that remained was the funeral and the coronation.

Despite the fact that the so-called murderer had been delivered wrapped with a bow, Lennox continued to doubt, which he shared with Alyssa, who agreed with him. They were smart enough to keep it to themselves, though, as it would not be wise to share their suspicions that their next king was a kin-murderer.

Now that there was suspicion on Quinnex, Alyssa wanted Cate back, as Quinnex no longer seemed to be trustworthy. After much consideration, Alyssa had thought of a way to give Cate back to her parents, as they deserved to know what had happened to their daughter and would have the chance to bury her. With the help of Lennox, they made sure that Cate's body had no evidence of a vampire being the cause of death and then set the plan in motion.

Alyssa hated the plan she had come up with, but saw no other way to get Cate to her parents. The plan was also a strange one, but it was the most dignified for Cate. They would simpy leave Cate, in a coffin, close to a police station. Alyssa hated it, but was happy when it worked, with Cate buried next to her grandparents within a few weeks.

As Alyssa had been reported missing after being gone, she couldn't go to the funeral. After the discovery of Cate though, who had been missing for less time then Cate, Alyssa was unofficially announced as dead. It wasn't official yet, as there was no body, but most believe her to be dead.


Time passed at court. A few weeks after her awakening as a vampire, life was much better for Alyssa and Lennox, though they had still not consumed their relationship. This was due to the fact that neither Alyssa or Lennox felt comfortable at court. They longed to go home, as they referred Lennox's mansion as, and see Gwen, Maddox, Dannica and all the others. Still, they could not leave until the funeral of the Queen and the coronation of Quinnex.

The funeral of Queen Ambrosia would happen this afternoon, with vampires all over the country arriving to mourn, or celebrate, the loos of the Queen. Most mourned, but as it was no secret of the Queen cruelty, many who had been wronged by her came to celebrate.

During the funeral, neither Lennox or Quinnex cried, though Quinnex at least tried to fake his sadness. Lennox was numb though. He wasn't sure if he was happy or sad over his mothers death. Obviously, had had loved his mother, but the actions right before her death showed her true character. Alyssa, at the funeral to support Lennox, tried not to smile as the saw the coffin. Her newfound vampire status had enhanced her ability of time to be angry and hold a grudge, so she could freely admit to herself that she was in no way sad of Ambrosia's death. A life for a life, Alyssa thought, as she blamed the dead queen for Cate's death fully. Sill, she tried not to show her happiness, as it was Lennox's mother, which at least meant that she could pretend to be sad, for his sake.

After the funeral, Lennox left Alyssa in their shared room to go and talk to his brother about his coronation, taking place in three weeks. As he was a prince, Lennox was expected to be a part of the coronation, but was unsure of what capacity, thus needing to ask his brother, He had put it up until now, as he hadn't really wanted to talk to his brother, the one who may or may not have killed their mother.

"You know it was me, don't you?", Quinnex surprised him, while they were talking about flower arrangements. "Yes", Lennox was surprised that he could say it so calmly, but supposed that was because he had already known it to be true. He had gotten a confirmation though; it had been Quinnex who killer their mother and framed Grubb.

They said no more about the murder, but continued about the coronation, though they both knew they'd never see each other after it. He may not have showed it, but Lennox could have killed his brother, the only thing stopping him was the truth of the fact that had Quinnex not done it first, Lennox might have. What a lovely family, right?


Three weeks later, the vampire community had a new king. The coronation passed quickly, with people cheering loudly as their new king, King Quinnex, vowed to protect his people. Alyssa and Lennox didn't stay around long to celebrate, leaving as soon as the festivities began.

Without saying goodbye to anyone, they walked away and got in to a car, leaving dust behind them as they drove away. They were on their way home.


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