Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

A/N: Mature content [sex and a little bit of blood-play - as they are vampires] ahead!


An hour away from the mansion, the decided to take a detour. They deserved some alone time.

Lennox drove them to a hotel two hours away, to make sure no one saw Alyssa and recognized her. In order to make it even harder for people to know her, Alyssa decided to dye her hair, which took an hour in a small saloon they found . Lennox was not fond of the idea, as he loved her brown hair, but couldn't deny that Alyssa looked really good in blond hair.

Lennox secured them a room in the hotel, and Alyssa was amazed at the room. It was a huge suit with a giant twin bed, and the bathroom even had a bubble-pool. For the time being, tough, all they both cared about was the bed.

It was a bit awkward for the both of them, as they had been together at court for some time without being intimate, so the fact that they were alone somewhere outside of court was different. Soon, however, their need for each other won out over that. Alyssa made the first move, kissing Lennox lightly on the lips, before moving back, as if to ask if it was okay. Lennox, finding it very okay, didn't let her get far before pulling her back for a longer, deeper kiss.

They kissed for some time, standing up, until Alyssa felt the familiar fire inside of her. She was ready. Pulling Lennox with her, she moved them to the bed, Lennox laying down and Alyssa climbing on top of him. Soon enough, they began pulling off clothes. When Alyssa was in her underwear only, she found it unfair as Lennox was still dressed. Chuckling when Alyssa said this, Lennox moved their positions so that Alyssa was laying down on the bed as he stood up and started to undress, with Alyssa soon sitting up to assist him.

When they were both only wearing underwear, they once again laid down on the bed, Lennox on top of Alyssa. They kissed, and Lennox half hard member became fully erect as Alyssa's hand roamed his chest and then traveled south.

When Alyssa's hand came in contact with his hard member, Lennox grew impatient and with a swift move, ripped off her bra. Alyssa, not too worried about her ruined bra at the moment, moaned when Lennox began to suck on her sensitive nipples. Alyssa, impatient too, removed her own underwear, making Lennox pause in his sucking to gaze upon her magnificent body. The spell he was under broke when Alyssa began tugging at his boxers.

When they were both bare, they spent a moment gazing at their partners body, both finding the sight they saw spellbinding. As if he was in a trance, Lennox leaned down to kiss Alyssa one last time, before moving his hips closer to hers. Looking in to her eyes, he silently asked for permission, which he got when Alyssa pressed her hips to his. With the seal of approval, Lennox sat up to put on a condom they'd bought and then laid over Alyssa again. Lennox grabbed his member and moved it to Alyssa's entrance.

Both moaned when Lennox pushed his member inside of her and began to move. It didn't take long until they both felt themselves approach the edge, as they had waited for a long time for this moment. With one final hard push, they both fell to the edge, shouting out the others name.


They sent two days at the hotel, exploring the others body. Sadly, they had to remind themselves that there were people worried for them and they had to leave.

As a final time for fun before leaving, Alyssa brought a special gift for Lennox; a female human. Lennox was confused when she entered with a human female, but smiled when he remembered their conversation the other night. Alyssa, while vowing to never end another human life, admitted that she was exited about the thought of drinking blood from a human at the same time as Lennox. Lennox admitted that it was something he had done before, with another vampire, which of course made Alyssa want to make him forget that by doing replacing it with a better memory of her.

The human was a prostitute that Alyssa had found in the hotel bar. Thankfully, as Lennox was skilled with compulsion, they could do their thing to the human and then make her think that nothing strange had been going on.

Excited about Alyssa's idea, they placed the human on a stool and each took a wrist. After compelling the human not to scream or move, both vampires took their first bite of fresh blood since Alyssa's awakening. Keeping eye contact throughout, both vampires found themselves excited by the taste of fresh blood and then thought of intimacy between them.

All to soon, the human began to pass out, making the vampires pull back. Lennox chuckled when he saw that Alyssa's face was covered in blood, while his was clean after many years of practice. Ignoring the now passed out human, Lennox and Alyssa approached each other, kissing when they met. Then Lennox began licking the blood on Alyssa's face of, making them both hot.

They moved to the bed, and did what they now had done for two days. This time though, high on blood and excitement, Alyssa took full control. She was on top, and scolded Lennox when he tried to move or touch her without her approval. They both soon came to be aware, while Alyssa was bouncing on top of Lennox, that the human had awoke and was watching them, unable to move like Lennox had commanded. Instead of this stopping them, it instead made them more passionate, Lernnox's hips moving up to meet Alyssa's thrust, making them both cry out in ecstasy.


After making sure that the human was okay and had her memory altered (she now thought the bite marks on her wrists were made in the heat of passion, making Lennox have to pay a bit extra as the goods were damaged), Alyssa escorted her back down to the hotel bar.

They spent their last night at the hotel (having sex all night) and then checked out the next morning, beginning their drive home, ready to begin their life together.


Alyssa received a hug from Gwen when they arrived, and Lennox a punch in the face. It seemed that Gwen was mad at Lennox because he called her when they left court, informing her they were on their way home, but failed to later inform her that they decided to check in to a hotel. After a few apologies though, Gwen forgave him and let them come inside (as if it wasn't Lennox's house). They were greeted by Maddox, Dannica and a few vampire Alyssa had seen around Gothica but never spoken to.

That night, there was a party at the mansion, celebrating the return of Lennox and his mate Alyssa.

They had come a long way, Alyssa thought as she watched Lennox dance with his oldest cousin Dannica. It was all worth it though, she thought as Lennox left Dannica and came to Alyssa, taking his mate in his arms and kissed her.


A/N: Just the epilogue left! 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.  

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