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Chapter 18 - Epilogue

Alyssa took a nervous breath, looking at herself in the mirror. She was excited, but nervous. After all, it was not everyday that a girl got married.

Dannica and Gwen circled the bride-to-be, making sure that she looked flawless. When satisfied that she was, both females nodded and smiled.

Taking another nervous breath, Alyssa looked down at the diamond on her finger, smiling when she remembered the day Lennox asked her to marry him.


Lennox had taken her to New Zealand on the one year anniversary of her transformation. It was a nice gesture not only to Alyssa, but to Cate, whose biggest dream vacation had been New Zealand and visit Hobbiton. Lennox had, incredibly, remembered what Alyssa had told him a year ago.

Lennox took her all over Hobbiton, even going as far as getting her a female hobbit costume and himself a male hobbit costume. They looked ridiculous, to be honest, but Alyssa only loved him more for both giving her a great time and at the same time honoring Cate. Alyssa had never forgiven herself for killing Cate, but now came to a sort of peace about it. 

They stood in front of the Baggins home in Bag End, when Lennox asked Alyssa to stand still. She did, and was surprised when Lennox went down on one knee, asking her to become his wife.

She said yes, obviously.

End Flashback

Here she was, a year later, about to marry her soulmate. It was to be a special sort of ceremony, as followed by vampire traditions.

Honestly, though, the wedding was probably going to be the easiest part. After all, she still had to tell him her secret. She knew he'd be happy, but she was still nervous about telling him. First though, they had to get married. One step at a time.


Lennox was nervous too, but not about the wedding itself. He was more nervous that he was going to forget the vows.

Behind him, Maddox was messing around with Junior, Dannica's husband. Today, Maddox was going to serve as his best man. Had it been a few years ago, he would have asked his brother, but seeing as his brother was now a King and the killer of their mother, they had not spoken since Alyssa and he left court. He had sent an invitation to his King brother, as a token of reconciliation, but had received the response that he was unable to make it, as he had many duties as King.

Lennox was literally shoved out of his thoughts, as Maddox was pushed by Junior a bit to hard, smacking in to the groom. Shaking his head at the teens in adult bodies, Lennox straightened his suit and then left the room, walking to the hall where they'd have their vampire priest perform the vows.

As he walked, he remembered the two years Alyssa and he had spent together and looked forwards to their many years more.

Soon, he walked in to the room with the guests, which consisted of his and Alyssa's friends, as neither had any family there. As his friends were a bit weird, they hollered and whistles as he walked down to the priest, who looked shocked at the guests. Taking pity on the poor man, Lennox led him away for a bit to discuss the ceremony in detail.


It was time. Alyssa felt like she'd throw up, but scolded herself and tried to force herself no to, as if she was in control of her body. She didn't throw up, which was a relief.

Gwen, Dannica and Finn (a female vampire she'd met just over a year ago), lead the way as Alyssa followed them.

Time that had previously passed slowly, now went too fast, as Alyssa soon found herself in front of a beaming Lennox. She had been so focused on Lennox as she walked down to the alter, that she didn't hear the cat-calls and hollers of the guests (Lennox told her later and laughed when she said she hadn't heard anything).

They made their vows, vowing to love always and forever.

"I, Lennox, vow to love and cherish you, Alyssa, always and forever".

"I, Alyssa, vow to love and cherish you, Lennox, always and forever".

As they were announced as man and wife, they kissed.

Pulling back, Lennox gazed upon his beautiful wife. "I love you so much", he whispered to her, leaning back down to steal another kiss, much to the joy of their crown who started hollering even louder. Pulling back, the newly made man and wife walked down the aisle.



A/N: I can't believe it, I finished it! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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