Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

By the time Alyssa had calmed down, she could admit that maybe, maybe, Lennox was telling the truth. But she wanted total proof. So she asked him to show her his fangs. She'd seen his teeth, so she knew he didn't normally have fangs. If he could show them now, show them grow, then she'd believe.

Believe she did. She believed in vampires when Lennox opened his mouth and his normal looking teeth grew longer and more pointed. She believed, and then she fainted.


"What did you do to her cousin?". Lennox had panicked when Alyssa fainted, and called upon his oldest friend, his cousin. "I showed her my fangs and she fainted. Is she okay?". "Good god Lennox, you don't just show a girl your fangs like that", Danicca joked with her cousin, getting a dry look in return. "She's fine Len, she'll just be out for a little while", Danicca Harmy was relieved that her favorite student wasn't hurt.

Danicca handed him a bag of blood. "Drink. You'll need it". "Where's your sister?", Lennox asked as he grabbed the blood-bag and began to drink. "Screwing Maddox. He's currently pitifully begging her for release, but she's refusing him. Seems that sadism runs in the family, huh?". "Yeah, but Gwen's always been the bad one. You're the good and proper one, even if you don't want people to know that. How's Junior by the way?". "He's good. But he's still complaining about the 'Ms'. He seems to think that all my students will hit on me since they don't know I'm actually a 'Mrs'. Why did I have to be a 'Ms' again?", Danicca asked her cousin, though she knew why. Lennox did not answer, as he to knew she knew.

There was a moan, and for a moment Lennox thought that it was Maddox moan heard through the house, but he soon realized that it was Alyssa.


Alyssa groaned, blinking tiredly. She wondered what had happened, and sat up in alarm when she remembered. Vampires. They are real. She groaned again, blood rushing to her brain when she sat up to fast.

Eventually she looked up, and was shocked to see her English teacher standing beside Lennox. She remembered that Lennox had told her that Maddox, Gwen and Ms. Harmy was also vampires, but it was still a strange sight to see her (vampire) teacher next the her (vampire) potential boyfriend. Wait, hadn't Lennox said something about mates? Lennox still had a lot to explain.

"Welcome back", Ms. Harmy said. "It's nice to meet you, officially. As in, not as your teacher, but as your potential cousin-in-law. Is that even a thing? Cousin-in-law? Anyway, I'm just happy we can finally become friends and talk shit about my cousin", so apparently her teacher was Lennox cousin?

"Alright Dany, go away. I need to talk to Alyssa alone", Lennox said, embarrassed over his strange cousin. Still, he was thankful that it was Dany and not Gwen who was there, because of the two sisters, Gwen was the worst one.

After almost chasing Danicca out, Lennox and Alyssa were alone again. "What do you want to know?", Lennox let Alyssa decide, as he apparently wasn't so good at explaining things in the right order. "Tell me about vampires.Tell me about these mates you were talking about. Tell me about those drinks you gave me. Tell me...", Alyssa trailed off, stopped by a big yawn. Looking out the window, she saw that the sun was rising. Apparently, the drinks were still in full affect and for some reason made her sleep during the day, even after being unconscious for a while.

"Come, you can sleep in my bed. We'll talk tonight after you've woken up. Then I'll explain about our kind, and how the drinks work. Follow me". They walked to another part of the room, through another doorway and there they found themselves in Lennox bedroom. Too tired to care, Alyssa removed her clothing in front of Lennox, leaving her in her underwear. She climbed in to the bed. "Sleep well, Alyssa", Lennox said and made a move to leave the room. "Don't go. Stay", Alyssa said, patting the empty bedside next to her. She didn't know why, but now that she knew his true nature of being a vampire, she only trusted him more, despite the fact that it should have been the opposite.

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