chapter 13

90 0 1

Nightmare lvl 2 | Blake lvl 1

Exp 0. | exp 200

Exp 2000 intill lvl 3 | exp 700 intill lvl 2

Pov nightmare

(Wakes up and sits up while sigh then I get off my bed and i put my clothes on then i walk over to a wall then I punch it wall out of anger)


(My teams&daughters wakes up and the look at me with worried expressions then venom&carnage appear and they stand behind me)

(Venom) Nightmare you need to calm down.

(Looks at venom pissed off)

CALM DOWN!!!!! How am I suppose to be calm down when I found MY GODDAMN TWIN AND SHE TURNED AGAINST ME?!!!

(Punches the wall again creating a hole through it and I hear a yelp near the door)

(Carnage) Listen nightmare as much as I hate to agree with venom here. You legit need to calm the fuck down after all you are scaring your teammates and daughters.

(Carnage points to my teammates and daughters while my two daughter's are in their Grimm forms then I calm down a little bit)

I need to be alone venom and carnage can come with me because they need me to survive the rest of you continue your day.

(Venom&carnage disappear and I walk to the door then I open it to see velvet&coco&team rwby)

(Ruby) Bro- I mean nightmare are you okay?

Who yelped when I punched the wall?

(Velvet raise her hand)

Sorry about that but I want to be left alone right now because im trying to calm down after yesterday.

(Turns around and begins to walk away)

(Blake) Ozpins wants you in her office.

(Stops walking)

Damn it!

(Ozpina on microphone) I heard that Mr chaos.

(Flips a bird at a camera)

Oh fuck you ozpina!

(Walks towards the elevator and I press the button then the doors open and I walk into the evevator then I turn around and press a button then the doors closes while I flip a bird at ruby&yang and the elevator doors close completely then the elevator goes to ozpinas office and I sigh)

(Nightmares thoughts first my fight with dragon and now this wh- actually I am not jinxing my self on that shit)

(Evevator stops and the doors open then I see ozpina at her table and a man wearing white then I look around to see penny&glynda&winter)

(Man) Hello nightmare im glad we couldn't meet again.


(Ozpina) Nightmare meet or should I say re-meet general Ironwood.

(Gasps and I look at Ironwood pissed off then I walk towards him and I grab him by the throat while my left eye is surrounded by red&black flames then my right eye turns completely black and Ironwood looks at me in the eyes to see my genocidal ways)

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