BTS {cooking and eating dinner} BTS

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- works in comfortable synchronisation with you, you are the perfect team
- would recommend you his favourite recipes for you to cook for the both of you
- corrects your techniques kindly and gently
- omg the cutest Eat Jins, which mainly consist of him cramming stuff into your mouth as you say on his lap, whilst he cooes stuff like, "Mmm, Princess try this, I know you love it"
- smiles happily to himself because he loves to see his love eating and being happy and healthy

- usually sits at the dining table watching you cook, telling you about his day
- stands behind you occasionally, claiming he "just wants to see how his baby makes such delicious food", but is really just there to squeeze your ass and kiss your neck
- you tell him to stop and let you cook, otherwise you'll burn the food, and he starts to whine, but is soon quiet when you promise him no more kisses unless he sits down ( i can imagine him doing his cute pouty thing after this)
- will do anything you ask him to except chopping onions ( you've all seen how he is)
- sees you setting the table but tells you to stop because he prefers to eat on the sofa so that he can sit closer to you

- offers to help you, but you graciously decline due to his clumsy nature
- starts pouting slightly, but stops when you plant a kiss on his plump lumps ( pretty sure Kylie is jealous of his gorgeous lips )
- instead of him helping you make the actual product, you set him to the task of looking through recipe books to choose which meal to have, and he flicks through them, wanting to pick something yummy ( wItH hIs PrEsCrIpTiOn GlAsSeS bEcAuSe He NeEdS tHeM, aNd BoI dOeS hE lOoK dAdDy Af In ThEm, No ArMy ShOuLd Be TeLlInG hIm NoT tO wEaR tHeM)
- claims that you're cooking is better than his mother's
- blushes profusely when you cook him his favourite meal, telling you that you shouldn't have gone to all this effort for him, but soon shuts up when you sit on his lap and start to feed him

- always requests that you don't cook a proper dinner, but instead make two desserts
- sometimes you give in to his requests - for example if he's had a long and tiring day - and you bake cakes and biscuits together
- you decorate the biscuits you made like the BT21 characters, and tease him by saying that your favourite character is Chimmy, not Tata
- this earns you the "punishment" of being thrown over his shoulder, carried into the lounge, being chucked onto the sofa, and being tickled and kissed all over until your can't breathe because you are laughing so much
- you sit opposite each other on the sofa to eat, and feed each other the cake you've just baked, and end up smearing buttercream and icing fall over each other

- encourages you to experiment making new recipes, especially ones from different cultures and countries, and sometimes you even decide to theme your meals for a week on specific countries or regions
- even if the recipes go wrong and turn into a disaster, he will still eat every single little bit of the charred monstrosity
- loves to cook with you, even more so if it means he gets his hands stuck in
- buys the two of you matching aprons, oven mits and chef hats
- if you get messy will lick you clean with us cute little tongue

- always comments about how amazing your cooking smells
-makes very cute appreciative noises as he eats the food you made for him
- he tells you to make your favourite dishes for him, as he loves what you love, and says that food cooked with passion always tastes better
- holds you hand across the dinner table as you eat
- always sets the table and clears away the plates for you, saying that you have already done far too much making his wonderful, delicious dinner

- gets so excited when you give him permission to help you cook dinner
- makes his gorgeous little noises as he works, which you find so endearing ( i'm still mad at that person who told him to stop making them, if you couldn't tell )
- chitter chatters to you enthusiastically and hyperactively non stop
- loves preparing the plates and making them look all pretty and artistic
- tells you to eat passionately and to appreciative your food because he believes that eating that way means you bring out all the flavours that you wouldn't know where there if  you didn't eat like this, and you gain less weight ( not that that matters )

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