chapter six

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Hobble giggled at Albert. "I say we lunched our strike in the most auspicious manner." Davey said raising his glass. The newsboys looked at him confused. "I'm dunno about that but we scared the bejeezus out of weasel!" Mush said. The Newsies cheered at that. Hobble patted Davey's shoulder. "Yous can't use your fancy big words here Davey boy." She told him, whispering in his ear. "Did you see the Delaney's? They didn't know which way was up!" Crutchie yelled, happily. The grey-eyed girl laughed at him. "So, what's next?" Jack asked, climbing up on to the table. "Well, now we have to spread the world. Let the rest of the city's Newsies know about the strike." Davey told him. "So... Let's go spread the word!" Hobble said, excitedly. She bounced on her heels. The boys around her looked over at chuckled at her excitement.  "Mush, Harlem, Race! Midtown! JoJo, back to the Bronx! Buttons, Bowery boys!" Jack said. Race stood up nodding. "Be careful." Hobble said walking over to him. He chuckled. "There's no need to worry 'bout me." He said, placing a hand on her cheek. "I'll be just fine." He kissed her forehead and turned away, both blushing. ( Now I just need a CrutchiexHobble and a JackxHobble moment) She nodded. "Specs you take Queens! Sniper you take the East side! And who wants Brooklyn?" Hobble asked. Everyone turned away. She looked at everyone. "C'mon, Brooklyn, Spot Conlon's turf?" She crossed her arms. "Finch, you tellin' me yous scared of Brooklyn?" Jack asked. Finch stood up. "I ain't scared of no turf!" He exclaimed. Everyone looked at him. "It's just that Spot Conlon makes me a bit nervous." He sat back down.  Hobble groaned. "Fine. Me, Davey and Jack will take Brooklyn." Hobble said. "Me?" Davey said, looking up at the girl.  "Yep." She said popping the p. "But, I-" he started only to be cut off. "Why is everyone scared of Brooklyn?" A girl's voice asked. "What do you want? What are you doing here?" Hobble snapped, her voice somehow till low. The boys looked at her concerned. She never snapped even if Spot Conlon messed with her, she was always so sweet. "I'm asking a question. Do you have a answer." The reporter asked.

Jack moved forward before the girl could reply. "Brooklyn is the 6th largest city in the entire world- you got Brooklyn, you got motherload." Jack explained. Hobble glared at her. Crutchie pulled her to him, sitting her down in the chair he was standing by.  He kept his hands on her shoulders. She balled her fists up on her thighs, she didn't even understand why she was upset or why she got so angry at this girl. "Say, for someone who works for the New York Sun, you sure do spendin' a awful lot of time around the World. What's that 'about? Are you followin' me?" He asked, hiding behind Davey.  "The only thing I'm following is a story." Katherine told him. "A rag-tag team of rugamuffins want to take on the king makers of New York. Do you think you have a chance?" She asked.

The boys looked at each other. Hobble huffed. "Shouldn't you be at the ballet?" She asked the reporter. Most of the boys chuckled at her comment. "Aw, is the question to difficult? Let me rephrase. Will the richest most powerful men in New York give the time of day to a gang of kids who haven't got a nickel to their names?" Katherine asked somewhat sassily. "Why you-" Hobble growled but Crutchie squeezed her shoulders to calm her down. "Yous don't got to be insulting. I got a nickel." He said. Hobble cracked a smile at that. "So I guess you'd say your a couple of Davids taking on Goliath." Katherine said. "We's didn't say that." Davey told her. "You didn't have to. I did." Katherine said. "You know, I've read a lot of papers in my day, and I never read of any girl repoters writin' hard news." Jack told her, glancing over at Hobble who was smirking slightly. "Wake up to the new centery, the game's changing. How about a exclusive interview?" Katherine asked hopefully. "Ain't your beat entertainment?" Jack asked, getting closer to the girl. "This is entertaining. So far." Katherine said with a smile. "What was the last news story you wrote?" Jack asked. "What's the last strike you organized?" She shot back at him.

"Your out of your league, Kelly. Me thinks she needs to be handled by a real man." Romeo told him, walking up. "When's he gettin' here?" Hobble asked. Romeo shot her a glare, which she responded by blowing him a mocking kiss. "You thinks wrong Romeo." Katherine said, looking at the shorter boy. He went over to Jack. "How'd she know my name?" He asked, beaming. "Aww siddown." Jack said, pushing the boy away. "I'd say we give the exclusive to a real reporter." Hobble said, Davey nodded, standing up. "Do you see anyone giving you the time of day?" She looks around at the boys. "Well alright alright alright, I'm just breaking out of the social pages, but you give me the exclusive, let me run with the story, and I promise I'll get you the space." She said, looking desperate. "Hey, you think we could make the papes?" Crutchie asked the red head. Hobble crossed her arms. "Shut down a paper like the world, you'd make the front page." Katherine said, Hobble perked up at this thought. "Wait really?" JoJo said looking up. The reporter nodded. "Fine. You want a story, be in front of the circulation gate tommorow mornin' and brin' you camera. Cause you'll want to snap a picture of this!" Jack said, getting the boys excited. He looked at Hobble. "Can you go with her and make sure she does a good job?" He asked her. Hobble looked at him. "Jack I-" She started but was cut off. "For me Hob, please." She crossed her arms. "Sometimes I hate you Jack Kelly." He smirked. "Impossible." He laughed. She smiled up at him.

"Let's go kids! Play outside, I gotta set up for dinner and I gots payin' customers who need the tables." Jacobi told us. "Come on we got Newsies to visit!" Someone shouted. "Hey you won't be shooing us off when we get our mugs in the papes!" Race said happily.

" And the world will know
We've been keepin' score
Either they gives us our rights or we gives them a war
We've been down to long
And we paid our dues."

The Newsies sang.

" And the things we do today
Will be tomorrow's news!"

Crutchie sang out, his voice deep and strong.

"And the die is cast
And the torch is passed
And the roar will rise
From the streets below
And our ranks will grow
And grow
And grow
And so the world will feel the fire and finally know."

The Newsies sang running off.

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