chapter sixteen

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"Now is the time to seize the day
Stare down the odds and seize the day
Minute by minute
That's how you win it
We will find our way
But let us seize the day."

The Newsies sang. "I'll get the lights. You get those windows unlocked." Kathrine said. They quickly walk to the celler. "Got enough keys here for the entire building. Has someone been picking daddy's pockets?" Jack joked, looking at the red head. Hobble walked between Race and Davey, glancing at the three boys. "The janitor has worked here since he was 8 and hasn't gotten a raise in 20 years. He's 100% with us." Katherine informed, walking down the stairs.  "Hey, you bring enough fellas to keep us covered?" Hobble asked looking up at Davey. "We could have a hoedown in here and no one would be the wiser." He smiled at her. "Good job." Jack said.

"Jack." Hobble stopped him. "It's good to have you back." Davey nods. He turned a light pink. "Ah shut up." He said. "Well, here she is, boys. Just think—while my father sleeps blissfully in his bed, we'll be using his own press to being him down." Katherine told them. Jack leaned over. "Remind me to stay on your good side." He joked. Hobble rolled her eyes. "Is this what they print the papes on?" Race asked admiring it, running his hand along it. "I can see why they tossed this old girl down to the celler, but I think she'd do the job." A boy said. It was the one Kathrine was walking with when they all meet.  "Jack, Hobble, this is Darcy. He knows almost everything about printing." Katherine introduce us. Jack spit into his hand, sticking it out. Darcy looked at him, disgusted. "Sorry." He said whipping his hand off. They shook hands

Hobble looked at Darcy. "You work for one of the papes?" She asked. "My father owns the Trib." Darcy replied. Hobble looked at him shocked. "And this is Bill, he'll be typesetting the article for us." Kathrine introduce the other boy. "Bill? I suppose your the son William Rudolph Hearst, huh?" Jack asked as Bill shook his hand. "Yeah and proud to be part of your revaluation." Bill said, walking to work on the paper. "Ain't that something..." Jack muttered. "In the words of the little one: can we table palaver and get down to business?" Katherine said. "A little grease and she'll be as good as gold." Darcy said after looking over the print and press. "Alright, here's how we'll work; as we print the papes, Race, you'll let the fellas in and they'll spread them to every working kid in New York. After that..." Davey paused, thinking of what to say next. "After that it's up to them." Hobble said, looking at the older boy. Jack gave Race the keys, Race went up to the stairs. Hobble and Kathrine explained to Darcy and Bill about the paper.

"There's change comin'
Once and for all."

Jack sang, Hobble walked over to him along with Davey.

"You make the front page
And man, your major news."

Hobble sang.

"Tomorrow they'll see what we are."

The three sang together.

"As sure as a star
We ain't come
This far to lose."

Kathrine joined the three singing. The four were huddled in a group hug. "Here they come!" Race yelled to them, Newsies started to file down the stairs.

"This is the story we needed to write
As we're kept out of sight
But no more."

Newsies shook Jack's hand. 

"In a few hours
By dawn's early light
We'll be ready to fight us a war."

They sang. Spot came in, spit shanking with Jack. Hobble walked up with a smile, they spite shake. Spot then gave the girl a hug.

"This time we're in it to stay
Talk about seizing the day."

Jack started to walk up the stairs, Hobble following. Jack turned to her.

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