chapter fifteen

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Hobble was silent, voices of the people muffled, till Jack found her. He pulled her up, hugging her. The girl stood limply in his arms, eyes dull. "I know you didn't cave for the money." Katherine said. "No, I spoke the truth. Look, you win a fight when you go the other guy down, eaten pavement.  You heard your father, it doesn't matter how many days we strike, he ain't never givin' up. I didn't know what else to do." Jack told her, looking at the girl. "No but I do." Katherine said, pulling a paper out from behind her back. "Come on...." Jack muttered. "Really, Jack? Really. Only you can have a good idea? Or is it because I'm a girl?" She asked, Hobble laughed softly. "I didn't say that." Jack said in defense. "This would be a really good time to shut up. Being boss doesn't mean you have all the answers, just the brain to pick the right one." She said. "I'm listening." Hobble and Jack said at the same time. "Good for you." Katherine said sarcastically. Hobble narrowed her eyes. "Okay. The strike was your idea." She pointed to Jack. "The rally was Davey's and mind will take us to the end. Deal with it." She held out a paper to the duo. Hobble takes it, Jack reading over her shoulder, his chin resting on the shorter girl. "The children's crusade." He read before looking at her with curious eyes. "For the sake of all the  kids in every sweatshop, factory and slaughterhouse in New York, I beg you: join us." Hobble read out loud. "That was me." Jack said, a happy glint in his eye. "With those words the strike stopped being about just the Newsies. You challenged our whole generation to take a stand and demand a place at the table." She said, looking at him. "Children's crusade..." Hobble muttered thoughtfully. "Think, Jack, if we publish this. My words, your drawings and if every worker under 21 read it and stayed home— or better yet, came to Newsie Square for a rally. A general, citywide rally. Even my father couldn't ignore that." Katherine explained her plan. "Only one problem. We got nothin' to print it on." Hobble said, arms crossed. "Oh, come on. There has to be one print and press he doesn't control." Katherine said, slightly annoyed with the girl. Jack and Hobble shared a look. "" They said looking at each other. "What?" Katherine asked smiling. "We know were a print and press is that no would ever think we'd use." Jack said. "Then wait are we waiting for! Come on." Katherine climbed down.

Hobble went to follow but Jack stopped her. "That kiss meant nothing you know." He told her, brown eyes meeting brown. "I like you, Hob. Only you, I know you like the other guys and you won't choose, but your torturing us. You have to choose one day." The girl looked down. She wasn't aware of what she was doing to the boys. "Standin' here..... tonight, lookin' at you... Look I'm scared tomorrow's gonna come and change everything. If there was a way, something I can grab onto and stop time so I can just keep looking at you." Hobble blushed. "You snuck up on me Jack Kelly....I didn't even see it comin'. But so did the others." She said. "For sure?" He asked, slightly disappointed. "For sure." She confirmed.

"Till the moment that I found you
I thought I knew what love was
Now I'm learning what is true
That love will do what it does."

Jack sang. He looked across the 'penthouse' at the brown haired girl.

"The world finds ways to sting you
Then one day it brings you
Something to believe in
Even for a night."

He walked closer to her as he sang.

"One night may be forever
But that's alright
That's alright."

Jack placed his hand on her cheek. Hobble turned into his hand.

"And if I'm gone tomorrow
What was ours still will be
Cause I've got something to believe in
Now that I know you believe in me."

He sang, she looked up at him.

"We was never meant to meet
Then we meet
Who knows why
One more stranger on the street
Just someone sweet passing by."

Hobble sang as she looked at him. Brown eyes shining. She nudged him lightly.

"An angle came to save
Who  didn't know he gave me
Something to believe in
Even for a day
One day maybe forever
But that's okay
That's okay."

She grabbed his hands in her's.

"And if your gone tomorrow
What was ours still will be
Cause I've got something to believe in
Now that I know you believe in me."

She smiled up at him.

"Do you know what I believe in
Look into my eyes and see."

They both sang together. They stopped. "If things were different..." He said. "If you weren't goin' to Santa Fe." Hobble frowned. "If you weren't staying here with the guys." He added. 'I might come with you' Hobble thought.

"And if I'm gone tomorrow."

He sang, turning away from her.

"What was ours still will be."

She walked closer to him.

"I have something to believe in
Now that I know you believe in me."

Hobble sang

"I have something to believe in."

Jack sang, grabbing Hobble's hand in his.

"Now that I know you believe in me."

They sang together, hands intertwined. She smiled softly, but her eyes were sad. She knew.

She'd have to choose soon or later.

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