chapter seven

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"C'mon Les. The folks are waiting." Davey said taking his younger brother's hand. Hobble watched ad they ran off before listening in on Jack and Katherine's conversation. "So, what's your story? Are you selling papers to work your way through art school?" Katherine asked Jack. "Art school? Your kiddin' right?" She heard Jack huff. "You have real talent. You should be inside the paper illustrating not outside hawkin' it." Katherine told him, looking at the drawing of her he did. He shrugged. "Maybe that's not what I want." He said in a bored voice. "Then what do you want?" Katherine asked him. "Can't you see my eyes?" He asked, walking closer to her. "Mister Kelly...." Katherine said. The brown haired boy groaned. "Today we stopped the other Newsies. Tomorrow we stop the wagons." He answered. Hobble walked towards them. "Aren't you guys scared?" She asked. "Do we look scared?" Hobble asked. "But....uh...ask again in the morning." Jack added. "Good answer." Katherine said, writing it down. "Well, good night mister Kelly. Hobble." She said. Hobble kissed Jack on the cheek to get to the girl, before limping after her. "Hey, where are you runnin' off to? It's not even supper time!" Jack called. "I'll see you in the morning. And off the record,good luck." Katherine told him, before turning to walk away. "Hey Plumber! Write it good, we both got a lot ridin' on ya." He told her

"You heard the man. Write it good. Write it good or it's back to wheezing your way through the flower show. No pressure." Katherine said. She wrung her hands together. Hobble looked at her. She sat down at her writing desk. "Newsies stop the world."  Katherine said, typing on her type writer. "A little hyperbole never hurt anyone." She mumbled to herself. Hobble stood in the middle of the room, listening to the girl talk as she wrote. "With all eyes fixed on the trolley strike another battle has been brewing in the city..." She stopped. "Now if only I could write about it." She mumbled, pulling the paper out of the type writer. "You can, just believe in yourself." Hobble said, shrugging. "Me and the boys are countin' on you." Katherin looked at her. "You, poor kids." She said.

" Write what you know
So they say but I don't know what to write."

Katherine sang.

" Or the right way to write
This is big lady don't screw it up."

Hobble looked over at Katherine as she sang.

"This is not some little vauldville your reviewing."

"Look here's a idea." Katherine said. "Poor kids vs rich greedy sourpuss."

"Ha! It's a cinch it could practically write itself!

And let's prey that it does
Cause as I have mentioned
I have no idea what I'm doing."

Katherine got up, pacing around.

" Are you insane! This is what I've been waiting for
Plus the screaming of ten angry editors."

Katherine sang, Hobble walked over to her.

"It's a girl! It's a girl!
How the hell?
Is that even legally?
Look, just go and get her!"

Hobble sang out, smiling. She might be warming up to the girl. Katherine sat down at her desk, picking up the newspaper.

" Not only that, there's a story behind the story
Thousand of children exploited

Katherine sang standing up, she walked over to Hobble. Her brown eyes meeting grey ones.

" Speak up! Take a stand!
And there's someone to write about it!
That's how things get better."

Hobble sang, thinking about the boys. She started to smile.

"Give life's little guys some ink and when it dries just watch what happens
Those kids will live and breath right on the page and once their center stage
You watch what happens."

They sang together. Hobble looked at the girl a bright smile spreading on to her face.

"And who's there with her camera and her pen
As boys turn into men."

Katherine sang, pointing at herself.

"They'll storm the gates and just watch what happens when they do!"

Hobble said, pride swelling in her chest and voice. Katherine squealed, excited. She ran back to her type writer. "A modern day David is poised to take on the rich and powerful Goliath with the swagger of one twice his age, armed with nothing but a few nuggets of truth, Jack Kelly stands ready to face the behemoth, Pulitzer." Katherine said typing away. Her fingers flying delicately over the buttons. "Now that's how you turn a boy into a legend." Hobble said.

" Picture a handsome, heroically charismatic
Plain spoken know nothing, skirt chasing
Little son of a-" 

Katherine sang, getting up and pacing again.

"Lay down with dogs and wake up with a raise and a promotion
So, he's a flirt a complete ego maniac
The fact is he's the face of this strike
What a face."

Katherine sang, her voice getting a dreamy sound at the end. Hobble rolled her eyes.

" Face the fact
That's a face that could save us
From drowning in the ocean."

Hobble sang, arms crossed over her stomach.

"Like someone said power tents to corrupt in absolute power."

Katherine said, running her hands through her hair.

" Power wait?
Corrputs absolutely!
That's genius!
But just give her some time."

Hobble smiled.

"I'll be that good six months....from never."

Katherine sang. Hobble looked at her with a pointed look.

"Just look around at the world we're inheriting and think of the one we'll create
Their mistake is they got old!
That's not a mistake we'll be make, no sir!
We'll stay young forever!"

Katherine and Hobble sang together. Katherine sat down and started typing again.

"Give those kids and me a brand new century
And watch what happens."

Hobble sang, eyes shining with wonder and hope.

"It's David and Goliath
Do or die."

She continued.

" The fight is on and I can't watch what happens.
But all I know is nothing happens if you give in."

Katherine sang.

" So what ever happens
Let's begin!"

They sang the ending together, Katherine got typing, Hobble watching over her shoulder.

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