chapter nine

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Hobble sat on a bar below the penthouse. She swang her legs back and forth, when she heard rushed footsteps up the stairs. She heard sniffling as if someone was crying. She pulled herself up, peeking around the bars to see Jack.

"Folks, we finally got a headline
"Newsies crushed as Bulls attack"
Crutchie's calling me
Dumb crips just to d*** slow."

Jack sang, Hobble's heart shattered into a million pieces as she heard him.

"Guys are fightin', bleedin', fallin'
Thanks to good ole' captain Jack
Captain Jack just wants close his eyes and go!"

He yelled, slamming his fist down on the railing causing the girl to flinch. She pulled herself up, climbing on to the penthouse.

"Let me go
Far away."

Jack sang softly, tears brimming his brown eyes. Hobble limped over, wrapping her small arms around his waist, hugging him. She felt his hands go up to cover herself, his thumb rubbing circles around the back of her hand.

"Where they will be here find me
And tommorow wouldn't remind me of today."

Hobble sang in a shaky, quiet voice. She squeezed her eyes shut and she snuggled her face up to Jack's back.

"And the city's finally sleepin'
And the moon looks old and grey
I get on a train that's bound for Santa Fe."

Jack sang, looking at the girl's hands that clung to him like he was her lifeline. Little did he know he was a part of her life line in deed. She sniffled slightly.

"When I'm gone
And I'm done
No more runnin', no more lyin'
No more fat, old men denyin' mey pay."

Jack turned around as he sang, facing the girlsie that stood behind him. He lifted up her chine, whiping away the tears that fell from her eyes like rain.

"Just a moon so bright and yellow
It turns night right into day
Dreams come true."

Hobble sang, looking up at the boy. She stepped back, releasing him from her hold.

"Yeah they do."

Jack sang, brushing her hair behind her ear with a gentle hand.

"In Santa Fe."

The two sang together, gazing into each other's eyes.

"Where dose it say you gotta live and die here?
Where does it say a guy/gal can't get a break?"

They sang, turning away and facing the streets of New York. Anger filled Hobble.

"Why should you only take what your given?"

Jack sang, looking down at the street, he was getting worked up also.

"Why should you speand your whole life living."

Hobble sang, turning her back to New York. She crossed her arms, eyes narrowed.

"Trapped where there ain't no future
Even at seventeen/sixteen
Breaking you back for some one else sake
If the life don't seem to suit ya
How bout a change of scene?
Far from the lousy headlines
And the deadlines in between
Santa Fe!"

They sang. Hobble looked at Jack, her eyes searching his face for something she wasn't sure what. Maybe that he would stay and help her and the others.

"My old friend."

Jack's eyes turned towards the star. The stars reflecting in his eyes, little speak of light dancing in his eyes.

"I can't spend my whole life dreamin'
Though I know that's all I seem inclined to do."

Hobble sang, turning back to the street. She saw some Newsies heading to the lodging house. She watched them vanish into the building.

"I ain't gettin' any younger
And I want to start brand new
I need space, and fresh air."

Jack sang, leaning against the railing. He glanced over at Hobble ever once in awhile.

" Let them laugh in my face
I don't care
Save my space."

The two Newsies sang together, voices dancing together in the night wind.

"I'll be there
Just be real is all I'm askin'."

Jack sang, sitting up. He took his hat off, running a hand through his tangled brown hair.

"Not some paintin' in his head."

Hobble sang, nodging his side with a strained laugh. He smiled a soft smile.

"Cause I'm dead if I don't got you today
I got nothing if I ain't got Santa Fe."

Jack sang. Hobble looked over at him. "You got me. And the Newsies." She told him, placing a hand on his arm. She rubbed her hand up and down to sooth him. He looked over at her. "I know but..." He trailed off, looking away. "We ain't Santa Fe?" She asked him. He nods sadly. She looked away, nodding her head. "It's okay Jackie." She said. "I'm heading to the lodging house." She told him, pushing away from the bars.

Hobble made her way to the fire escape. "Hobble, wait." Jack cried frantically, he moved over to her as she lowered herself down. She looked up at him. "It's okay." She said with a saddened smile. "Me and Crutchie, will meet you one day there. Just don't forget we're comin' when you get to Santa Fe." She said climbing down the rest of the way. She looked up to see his sad face watching her. She raised her hand to her lips. She blew him a kiss as a single tear slipped from her eyes.

She turned away from the boy, trudging to the lodging house. Hobble fixed her cap and vest, walking through the door. Warmth hit her face as walked in, that was one good thing it was always warm. She ignored the boys as they called to her. She plotted down on her bed, taking her boots off. She curled up, pulling the thin blanket to her chin.

By the way this is her outfit

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