CHPT14: Action!

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Percy's POV:

Leo dropped us off near the edge of the mountains and Jason flew myself and him closer to the north-east wall. That was closer to water for my sake. Jason and I would be making a distraction or at the very least a hindrance for Metal Dynasty. Hopefully this would help the others sneak in underground. At dawn we began our work. I called on the sea as Jason called on the sky and together we created a maelstrom of water and wind. I hope this helps because it sure is tiring.

Piper's POV:

Hazel shadow traveled us to the nearest riot spot, almost. She's a little rusty and actually not incredibly good at it to begin with so we ended up a couple miles from the first city. We walked the rest of the way and boy was it chaos. Metal benders, earth benders and non-benders went head to head fight in the center of the city.

"You're up Piper," Hazel said weakly.

"Uh huh," I found a bench to hop on then took a deep breath to gather my power. "STOP FIGHTING!"  Every one stopped. "CIVILIANS RETURN TO YOUR HOMES, SOLDIERS GO TO SLEEP."

Obediently all the people present did as told.

"That wasn't so hard," I said cheerfully hopping  off the bench.

"Now all we have to do is stop ten more riots," Hazel began. " And me not get us lost on the way there or be convinced by you to sleep," She yawned. "Which might be quite daunting."

"Shall we continue?" I laughed.

Mako's POV:

The plan was going well. We decided to use a separate set of evacuation tunnels from the ones used earlier in case Metal Dynasty was patrolling the other ones. Honestly, this sort of business set my teeth on edge. I was used to having more difficulties than this. We were almost under the center ring and had run into no one. Leo was using his ground-vision-thing to guide us so I suppose we do have an advantage.

"Nico," Leo whispered. "This is your stop."

Nico nodded, "See you soon."

Leo continued forward. Our guide was a Dai Li man named Wian, who grew up in the city. As we moved he'd tell Leo different routes and where they came out. He was unbelievably helpful. Yu  Hui hooked us up with the right guy it seems. Finally we arrived at the palace. Leo closed his eyes to focus.

"There's no one in the palace," He straightened. "Wian, where would royalty evacuate to if the city was under attack?"

"Right where we're standing," Wian grimaced. "But since there's no one down here he's likely at one of the Dai Li bases. Unfortunately there's lots of them. Luckily they can all be accessed through the under ground."

"Okay," Leo looked around the dark tunnels. "Which way first?"

"Follow me," Wian took the lead and stopped or swerved when Leo saw people coming. I half wondered if this was like how Avatar Aang had traveled with his earth bender Toph Beiphong. According to Lin, Toph's daughter, she only saw through the vibrations in the ground. Leo's mismatched eyes were still as he watched the world through eyes we couldn't see. He was so focused on the tunnels ahead that he almost walked into the walls, multiple times. It was interesting. We checked most of the Dai Li bases and found nothing. We were all becoming frustrated and tired. So we decided to take a five minute break.

"I don't get it," Wian panted. "Those were all the major Dai Li bases. I doubt they'd take him to any of the smaller ones."

"So if they didn't take him to one of the bases," I inhaled hard trying to catch me breath. "Where would they take him. They had to be expecting a retaliation of some sort, right?"

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