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(? POV)

Our plan clearly failed. Jung Hoseok survived and became vampire. Now we have lost one of our best plans to awaken Jimin his powers. I guess we'll have to think of something to make Jung Hoseok hate Jimin and come to our side.......

(Normal POV)

As the classes ended early today, Jimin and Hoseok went on a date. Jimin complaining about Minah being an annoying leach and clinging to Hoseok like he hasn't seen him for ages.

Hoseok only chuckled at Jimin's cuteness but couldn't help but feel a bit jealous because someone else loves his baby boy. He hugged Jimin close to him and kissed him on the head.

"What was that for hyung?" Hoseok shook his head. "Nothing just thought you were cute." "Ah hyung!" Jimin slapped Hoseok's arm and blushed.

While walking through the streets they came across a tent. There was a sign above it. 'Fortune telling' Jimin looked interested and wanted to go in the tent. Hoseok just followed.

As they walking in they saw a man sitting there with a crystal ball. 'How real...' Hoseok thought. He didn't believe in such things as fortune telling but since Jimin looked interested he let it slide.

The man looked up and smiled. "Please sit down my guest." Jimin sat down and Hoseok went to sit next to him. The man studied Jimin's face. Somehow it annoyed Hoseok how much he was starring at Jimin.

"I think you two have a very big secret don't you?" Jimin and Hoseok went stiff. They looked at each other and then Jimin shook his head, meaning they shouldn't say anything.

"You don't have to tell me what it is but just keep in mind it will be very dangerous in the future." The man said. Jimin somehow expected this and Hoseok didn't know how to react. Did the man really see his future?

"I think it's the best if this young man doesn't see you anymore, he'll only bring sadness and sorrow for the both of you if you are staying together." He told me and pointed at Jimin.

Hoseok was mad. Some unknown stranger want him to separate with Jimin while they just got together? Over his dead body. He loved Jimin way too much now, he can't leave him. Besides he is a vampire now.

"I will not, he is the best thing that happened in my life." Jimin looked like he was about to cry. Secretly he agreed with the man but he couldn't. Hoseok was precious to him and he's the sun for Jimin.

Angered Hoseok dashed out of the tent with Jimin and walked away. "Don't worry Jimin, that man was just talking sh*t. He doesn't know anything, he's lying. There is no such thing as predicting the future."

"But he said we are bearers of a huge secret, doesn't that mean he knows?" Jimin was sad. He knew it wouldn't be possible for him to have a happy life. Why was he born an supreme supernatural creature? Why couldn't he just be human.

Hoseok hugged Jimin close to him. "I won't ever leave you." Jimin hugged him back, sobbing softly is his embrace.

(? POV)
"Did it work?" I asked my subject. He shook his head. "Master I said to them that it was not possible for them to stay together unless they wanted the sadness and sorrow. Jimin looked very disturbed and Hoseok was angry. I don't know if it worked or not."

"We'll just have to wait and find out. Send a few men to spy on them. And don't lose sight of them." The man nod his head, bowed 90 degrees and left. I grabbed my wine glass and drank the fresh red body fluid.

I think we'll see each other very soon Mr Jung.........

(Jimin POV)
Was it really the right choice for me to date Hoseok. Will we really be happy together? What if something happens again? I can't take it!

I was back home sitting on the soft sofa. Hoseok went to the kitchen to make me some herbal tea to calm me down. Soon I heard glass shattering. With fears in my eyes I ran to the kitchen.

There I saw Hoseok leaning down to grab the broken pieces of glass with his bare hand. I frowned. "What happened?" Hoseok gave me a dorky grin. "I wanted to make you tea but accidentally broke a cup."

Sighing I went to grab the broom stick. Luckily nothing happened. I thought someone had broken the windows and kidnapped Hoseok. I gave the broom to Hoseok and he cleaned up.

After he gave me a cup of fragrant herbal tea. It calmed me down and relaxed me. He told me to sit on his lap and I did. While leaning against his back I silently drank my herbal tea. It was so peaceful.

All of a sudden grandpa stormed in. I looked at him weirdly. "Grandpa why were you running?" He caught his breath and told me the story.

He said while shopping for some tea sets, he came across a woman. She thought he was me and chased him everywhere to the point of running with his vampire speed.

Wait. Woman, chasing, thinking was me. Omg it must be Kim Minah. I facepalmed. "Grandpa I'm sorry I think I know who you're talking about." Grandpa gave me a sympathetic loop. "I feel so bad for you, not even hunters can make me feel so pressured and she merely a human woman just in love can."

Since we are vampires we stay young. Grandpa of course isn't a exception. Grandpa doesn't look exactly like me but we look quite similar, so if you are in a distance you'll mistake him for me.

Hoseok tried to hold his laugh but couldn't and burst out in laughing. "I'm sorry Jaemin but this is hilarious!" I nudged him and he quieted down. "Sorry."

Grandpa fixed his hair a bit and straightened his suit. Soon after he went back upstairs. I could hear him slam the door to his room shut and then quietly chuckled. Kim Minah will now be the dead of me and grandpa. At least the burden is lessened for me while going out since grandpa like to shop out a lot.

A/N: so here u guys gooo!
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