Chapter 1

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Everyone says all men are created Equal but to be honest that's a load of bull. My name is Izuku Midoriya and this is my story, I wasn't born blind I became blind after protecting someone who was being bullied by my old childhood friend Katsuki Bakugou.

Izuku: Kacchan it's not right to bully those weaker than you!!!

Katsuki: who cares what you think Deku your Quirk hasn't manifested yet so until you get a quirk you have no right to speak

As Kacchan rushed Izuku he let out an explosion that was more harmful then the ones prior as the smoke cleared Izuku shouted in great pain

Izuku:Ahhahhhhhahhahahahahahah! I can't see anything where are you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One of katsuki's lackys said "oh this is serious we could get in trouble" they took off like the wind and the screams that Izuku let out attracted the adults and one who showed up tried to calm Izuku down.  As he washed Izuku's eyes he noticed that the boys eyes  were glazed over grey

Kind civilian: Are you okay? Can you see how many fingers do you see?

Izuku: I can't see anything?!?!?!

As the kind man told Izuku okay I'm taking you to a hospital and Izuku tells the man

Izuku: please go to Dagobah hospital my mom works there. My name is Izuku Midoriya what's yours Mister

Kind civilian: My name is Toshinori Yagi ok Midoriya I'll take you to your mom

As Toshinori barged into the hospital Izuku's mother worked the reception area she instantly saw her son and wept to see his emerald green eyes were gone the shine in his eyes had vanished they were grey he was getting treated by the doctors and after they did all they could it was hopeless Dr. Yamada spoke to Inko

Dr.Yamada: Well Mrs Midoriya I'm sorry to say that after all we've done your son has permanently gone blind the nerves in his eyes are severely damaged none of the medical procedures will work.

Inko: So we can't do anything for him to help him see

Inko began to weep until Dr.Yamada remember something important that would be beneficial to Izuku but it was on the tip of the doctors toung until the # 1 pro hero of that time walked through the door and his Name was Kenshi Takahashi A.K.A the blind Ronin

As the blind Ronin stepped out of another room getting a check up when Dr

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As the blind Ronin stepped out of another room getting a check up when Dr. Yamada called out to him

Dr.Yamada: Excuse me Blind Ronin if I could have a moment of your time

As the blind Ronin walked towards Dr.yamada who had called out to him he was a bit confused as to what he was summon for. As they stepped into Izuku's hospital room he sensed there were more people than just him and the doctor

Kenshi: Dr.Yamada I think we have the wrong room there are 2 more people in here

Dr Yamada: No This is the right room you see in this room is a young boy who was blinded and he can no longer see the nerves in his eyes are heavily damaged so we can't do much to help him his dream was to become a pro hero.

Kenshi: Oh so the idea was for him to hear the words of a pro hero who is blind.

Izuku's: Excuse me Blind Ronin I want to be a hero but I'm not sure I can now since I'm blind...

Kenshi: Listen my young friend I've been a pro hero for a long time it took me year's to get to where I am so if I can do it I positively know you can too.

When Izuku heard these words he teared up and as his emotions overflowed everything in the room began to levitate this was his quirk telekinesis as this occurred Kenshi could sense the power of Izuku and told his mother

Kenshi: Mrs. Midoriya I can sense the power that your son is emitting I would like to train your son in order for him to see again he will have to master this quirk.

Inko: How will he see if he is blind? Is there a technique you can teach him?

Kenshi: yes there is a technique but it be once he masters his quirk he will use vibrations in his surroundings to see meaning when walking he will use his quirk to send vibrations to his feet and it will be like he could see again.

This brought tears to Inko but not of sorrow but of joy hearing that her son could be able to see again no the important question was how these lessons would affect Izuku's school schedule.

Kenshi: not to worry Mrs Midoriya I'm a licensed teacher and I also plan to retire from the pro hero business I will also start my teaching career at Dagobah elementary school.

Inko: Dagobah elementary is where Izuku attends school.

Kenshi: perfect I'll have him transferred into my class and I will train him all day in order to perfect his quirk.

(Monday )

School teacher: All right students settle down we are going to have a new teacher join us who was a former pro hero by the name of Blind Ronin

Kenshi: thank you for that warm introduction sensei I'd also like to announce that Izuku Midoriya will be in my class for the rest of his elementary education.

Katsuki and his followers felt relife that they weren't punished for blinding Izuku so while everyone did regular school work Izuku was transferred to the blind Ronin's class in order to master his quirk. Everyone was whining about why Izuku was getting special treatment.

Now that Izuku gained a master so he can see again all Izuku cared about was to be able to live his dream out again.

As Izuku was moved to a new classroom where he would be able to master his quirk to be able to so this is the story of a blind hero who will prove to the world that a blind hero will make it to the top just as the blind Ronin did.

(New story hopefully you all enjoy it please give me some feedback )

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