Chapter 5 Training begins

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This would mark the day Izuku began his training under AllMight and so he woke up early to meet him and Dagobah beach it was 8:00am so a Izuku left home for his training he made it to the beach only to hear ''For I am here"

AllMight: Good morning young Midoriya how are you?

Izuku: I'm doing great and I'm ready to begin my training.

AllMight: Perfect I like a kid with determination now please remove your shirt

Izuku: Why????

AllMight: It's to see what kind of conditioning you're in to see if you can withstand the training.

Izuku: okay give me a brief second

As Izuku removed his shirt AllMight was impressed that the blind Ronin didn't cut corners with teaching a disciple.

AllMight: Your conditioning is great but I will make sure you exceed what ever limits you have so these 10 months be ready to endure pain and suffering

So The ten months of training began and the first task was for Izuku to clear all Garbage from the beach using his telekinesis quirk by using his quirk this would break any limitations he had on how heavy and how long he could use his quirk.

So the training began Izuku with small objects and applied pressure crushing them like a soda can so the he began moving up the size and weight of the object when Izuku couldn't squeeze out anymore use of his quirk.

AllMight: Did you over use your quirk?

Izuku: Yeah I feel exhausted I don't think I'd be able to use it again for a bit

AllMight: Good next up is Combat training to be a pro means to dig down deeper to find the inner strength to keep pushing forward no matter how exhausted you a villian won't let you rest. I'll only use 5% of my power then I'll gradually increase it.

So Izuku and AllMight sparred until Izuku couldn't anymore but what surprise AllMight was that Izuku was able to block and Parry all of the incoming punches and kicks

AllMight: how did you learn to defend against punches like that what kind of hand to hand training did your previous master put you through?

Izuku: He had me training with a wooden dummy and we trained my body until my muscles hardened like steel.

Izuku: Were you and my master close?

AllMight: yes as a matter of fact we are but he always said he wasn't fit to be a teacher. Midoriya I have a question for you

Izuku: Fire your question AllMight

AllMight: I know you're trying to become the successor to the blind Ronin but I ask will you become my successor as well?

Izuku: What do you mean?

AllMight: I've decided to become a teacher at U.A. to find a successor but after meeting and training you I've decided to name you my Successor

Izuku: If you are alright with me being your successor I'll gladly live up to your expectations.

As AllMight plucked a hair off his head and told Izuku to eat what he will give him so Izuku did as he was told and they waited for One For All
to manifest and see what kind of boost his quirks will get. As a result Izuku received power boost a made his quirks 2x stronger Izuku also gained Relpulsion the ability to create shield like barriers and have attacks bounce off them causing X2 damage to an opponent.

AllMight: let's take a 15 minute rest.

Izuku: Sounds like a plan

AllMight: Since we're taking a break I've been meaning to ask, how are things going with you and that girl?

Izuku: I'm telling you we're just friends there's nothing between us

*Incoming call from Kyouka Jiro*

AllMight: There's nothing between you two riiiight

Izuku: this is just a coincidence this proves nothing

*Incoming call from Kyouka Jiro*

Izuku: Hey Jiro what's up?

Jiro: nothing I thought I'd give you a call and see how your doing

Izuku: thanks I appreciate the call I'm doing well just taking a 15 minute break

Jiro: Are you still training at the beach where we first met?

Izuku: yeah why do you ask?

Jiro: I was running errands and I'm heading near the area, can I drop something off to you?

Izuku: Sure sure it's okay I'll be waiting

AllMight: I knew it she's into you. Its undeniable that she has a thing for you

Izuku: you don't know what you're talking about.

As Jiro arrived she noticed the beach looked cleaner and there was someone sitting next to Izuku she thought" this must be the teacher who trains him" as she approached she greeted them

Jiro:Good Afternoon Izuku how is training going?

Izuku: Hey Jiro everything is going well this is my new master Toshinori he's friends with he Blind Ronin who was my previous master.

Jiro: It's a pleasure to meet you as well Toshinori-san you see I was on my way to bring lunch to my father whose at his recording session and made a little too much so I've brought extra

Izuku: Thanks I appreciate the lunch we were taking a 15 minute break to recover our stamina

Jiro: Well you both are lucky because I've made extra grilled chicken sandwiches here you go guys

As Jiro handed them two grilled chicken sandwiches both Izuku and AllMight noticed they were piping hot as Izuku took a his first bite he noticed the ingredients used were Yellow cheese, onions, mayonnaise and tomato as Izuku had a mess of crumbs and mayo around his mouth out of instinct Jiro wiped his mouth with a napkin she usually did this for the kids at the playground who enjoyed her guitar playing.

Jiro began to blush deep red as Toshinori began breaking out in laughter she then excused herself and ran away at he speed of sound

(A/N: AllMight goes into his skinny form when he's a hero and training Izuku but when someone else appears he stays in his skinny form)

AllMight: I told you she likes you no girl would do that to any guy she still would have done it even if you weren't blind.

Izuku: you're just talking nonsense again to break my focus

(Time skip 9 months later)

As Izuku endured the intense training he was put through just to handle the power of One for All and the combination of his telekinetic quirk to fuse the two together and create a style of using both quirks Izuku also managed to use one for all in a telekinetic combo so using he could use it without physically using his body so he trained to use it with his telekinetic combo and fight using it in hand to hand.

AllMight: Young Midoriya I'm impressed that you've mastered 25% of One For All both physically and telekinetically I believe you're going to surpass my and the blind Ronins expectations.

Izuku: thank you AllMight I hope to make my masters proud I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for the both of you.

AllMight: your test is next week so today is Friday your test is Monday of next week so rest until the day of your exam you've earned it.

(Hope you all enjoy this chapter sorry if it's taken longer and I'd like to thank all my readers for leaving the comments)

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