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After the Date that Izuku and Jiro shared, Jiro was the only one who felt awkward about it the next day The following day at school was rescue training with the pro hero no.13 for security purposes blind Ronin was allowed to join in as a supervisor to the class as they got in the busses to get to USJ a girl with a frog like appearance ask Midoriya

Asui Tsuyu: Midoriya chan how is it that you came to be as talented as the blind Ronin?

Izuku: Asui I was trained by him starting at the age of 5.

Kenshi: He has surpassed my every expectation so far

As the blind Ronin chimed in the conversation everyone was in awe to have a former #1 hero with them on top of having eraser head with them before more questions could be asked they had arrived at USJ only to be greeted by pro hero No.13

No.13: hello Aizawa and Kenshi!!!!

Kenshi: Hello old friend we meet again.

As they were about to enter the USJ facility the blind Ronin stopped everyone from entering and ask Izuku

Kenshi: Do you sense that?

Izuku: Yes the cold shift in the air I have a bad feeling about this let's be on our guard

As everyone wasn't sure what Izuku and Kenshi were talking about they walked inside USJ only to hear Kirishima say

Kirishima: this place has fake villains too?!

As pro hero No.13 understood what Kenshi and Izuku were talking about they heard the leader speak before he had his army attack the young heroes in training.

Shigaraki Tomura: My name is Shigaraki Tomura and we've come to kill AllMight!!

He said as he furiously scratched his neck

Aizawa: Well too bad he's not here

Shigaraki: we'll make him show up maybe killing these kids will cause him to show up faster.

Kenshi: If you want these kids you'll have to kill me the former #1 hero he blind Ronin

As Kenshi unsheathed his katana villains thought he was dead but they didn't expect to face a former #1 hero but they all underestimated him since he was blind and so they all charged at Kenshi little did they know they were trapped in his range as he used a telekinetic slash as the villains felt as if they'd been cut by his sword and they began to fear the power he possessed it wasn't until Izuku Felt a tremor and yelled out to his master

Izuku:Look out Master!!!!!!

It was too late Kenshi took a powerful attack from what Izuku could sense through vibration vision it looked like a monster.

It was too late Kenshi took a powerful attack from what Izuku could sense through vibration vision it looked like a monster

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(A/N: not my art work but badass)

Izuku couldn't sense movement from his master then he did the unexpected and ran towards the battlefield with staff in hand and began knocking out every villain in his path until he was surrounded by the villain army they all launched they're quirks simultaneously before the impact Izuku activated Repulsion so all the enemies attacks bounced off him and attacked the villains.

Class 1-A was in shock to see Izuku handle himself against an army but like his master he was blindsided by the beast as he was sent flying in the same direction as his master he landed in a puddle of blood as he struggled to get to his feet heard his master's voice.

Kenshi: I-I-izuku is that you?

Izuku: Master what happened to you?

As silence fell and he could no longer hear the voice of his master Izuku composed his senses and used vibration vision and on the ground giving off vibration was the blood that was draining from the huge cavity in his chest Izuku's hand touched handle of Kenshi's sword and he picked it up.

As Izuku picked up this sword that once belong to his master He felt the beast attacking Aizawa as he ran towards the direction the screams of agony were coming from Izuku began slashing he air using telekinetic power as an extension for the sword in anger Izuku began to cut down the villains

As Izuku picked up this sword that once belong to his master He felt the beast attacking Aizawa as he ran towards the direction the screams of agony were coming from Izuku began slashing he air using telekinetic power as an extension for the sword...

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(A/N: I know this is a different anime but just to represent the anger Izuku felt)

As it rained blood Shigaraki had commanded the Nomu to kill Izuku as class 1-A saw in fear and worry that they're classmate was going to get himself killed Izuku tapping into 100% of One For All and channeled it into his telekinetic quirk and sliced and diced the Nomu until the pros arrived thanks to Iida who was able to slip away so he could find pro reinforcements.

What the pros saw was a blood bath of epic proportions Shigaraki Tomura was genuinely afraid as Izuku threw the sword at Tomura's direction controlling the direction with his telekinesis Kurogiri reached Tomura in time to warp out of USJ. As the blade returned to Izuku's hand he ran towards his master who still laid bleeding as he lifted his head and spoke to him.

Izuku: Master I'm sorry I'm a useless disciple I-I- I couldn't save you!!!!!

Kenshi: Izuku... my boy don't worry... Ive See how much you've grown... towards you goal as a hero and as a person.... You made friends... Who are there for you...

Izuku: Please master hang on we'll get help. Can I get a medic!!!!!!!

Kenshi: My.... Time..... Has.... Come.... Take... This ..... Note...............

As Kenshi laid dead in his disciples arms Izuku let out a cry like no other as he was angry, sad, in pain, it wasn't until he felt a hand on his shoulder it was none other than Kyouka Jiro.

Jiro: I know you're sad and upset

She was cut off as Izuku placed his masters head on the his lap and slammed his head into jiro's chest as he began to cry louder. When AllMight approached Izuku he spoke few words

AllMight: He Died a hero but left a promising disciple.

As the rest of the pro heroes escorted the students out Izuku was the one who was given the right to carry his master out of USJ and he placed his body in a bodybag to they could prepare it for the funeral.

After this was over everyone gave Izuku space but the only person he wanted by his side was Jiro.

(Sorry for the are update guys hope you enjoy)

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