chapter 22 summer camp with the pussy cats

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Next day after all the classes were done with their final exams for the semester. Class 1A had to undergo a special summer camp to increase their quirks power to prepare for their provisional license exam. As Class 1-A were on the bus headed towards their destination Izuku sat at the back of the bus holding jiro's hands while she rested her head on his shoulder.

Kirishima: Hey Midoriya what was the weird technique you used during the fight with AllMight?

Izuku: it's called kinetic Arrow just like shooting an arrow with a bow I formed a bow and arrow with my quirk.

Before anyone else could ask any questions the bus came to a complete stop and Aizawa asked them to get off the bus. As everyone was off the bus Izuku sensed three people approaching their group when the greeted them

Mandalay: hello Erasure its nice to see you again.

Aizawa: hello Mandalay thanks or helping U.A out with this favor

They met 2 of the 4 members of the Wild Wild pussycats Izuku sensed Aizawa had planned something but didn't tell them.

Izuku: Aizawa Sensei can I have a head start?

Aizawa: Sure?

As Izuku got the okay from Aizawa he ran towards the edge of where they were standing and he began to channel one for all at that moment everyone saw Izuku jump over the cliff. Everyone had their eyes popping out of their heads when they heard Aizawa say something.

Aizawa: damn he figured it out

As the class was confused they were about to run into the bus when Aizawa told pixie bob to collapse the Cliff where they stood. while the cliff collapsed Izuku had gotten half way down the mountain and using One For All he full cowled zipped through the tree branch. Once he safely landed he realized he left his katana on the bus

Izuku then heard screaming from his classmates as everyone landed they saw Izuku looked just fine no scratches, bruise or any injury when he walked up to Yaoyorozu to ask her.

Izuku: Excuse me Yaoyorozu but could you make a katana for me I left mine on the bus.

Momo: sure

As she finishes creating one for Izuku he got into a stance that looked weird to the other classmates.

Izuku: everyone stand back.

Izuku channeled One For All into the blade of the sword as he controlled his breathing to find the right amount of strength reaching 45% he unleashed the Slash. Once the dirt and debris was clear the class saw a clear path to the camp sight while everyone gave Izuku praises Katsuki Bakugou was jealous and angry that Izuku was becoming far out of his reach. After 45 minutes they made it to the camp site no obstacle in their way they just had to wait for the teachers to arrive.

(Pixie bob POV)

The kid who volunteered to jump off the cliff waited for his class I don't know what his quirk is but he's one hell of a powerhouse. I was in awe of the sheer power I forgot to create any obstacles in their way

(Back with Class1-A)

After witnessing the power Izuku displayed they saw a path that lead straight to the camp. Everyone thought it was weird that there wasn't any interference from the teachers as the made it to the camp site they all relaxed and waited for Aizawa and the pussycats to arrive . By the time Aizawa and the pussycats arrived he was surprised that they were beaten to the training site everyone still had energy to spare but Aizawa decided to let everyone enjoy the rest of the afternoon before they entered into hells gate known as their training camp.

Izuku sat down near a rock he sensed and meditated he sensed a presence besides his class, Aizawa , the pussycats and he kid who was with them. Izuku felt he should speak up before the feeling he was getting turned into a horrible situation

Izuku: Aizawa Sensei I sense a disturbance in the force.....
(A/N: I set myself up for this line)

Aizawa: What do you mean?

Izuku: Try and bring any near by hero because I gotta feeling that this training camp with turn to hell itself.

As Aizawa began to this about the words Izuku spoke he remembered that Izuku and blind Ronin sensed the USJ attack before they walked through the doors.

Aizawa: Midoriya can you gauge their strength?

Izuku: the first three seem like low level threat but that doesn't mean we underestimate them. One seems to be near Todoroki's power. The other is.....

Aizawa: the other is what?!

Izuku: I don't think I can say...

Aizawa: we need to know what potential danger we'll be facing!

This started to freak class 1-A and the pussycats out after some silence Izuku spoke again.

Izuku: the one I sensed has a strength level to probably go head to head with AllMight in terms of power.

Aizawa: Who should I call for back up? Any suggestions Midoriya?

Izuku: why are you asking me I'm just a student?

Aizawa: it's because you been trained by the former number 1 hero and the current number 1 hero. I also believe that you are able to make the right tactical discernment

Izuku: okay call for Kamui woods since he can restrain any opposition that we may face and the fact he can blend his quirk with our surroundings. Have him bring My.Lady as well

Aizawa: I understand Kamui woods but why Mt.Lady?

Izuku: When in giant form she gets a power boost right? I also think having a giant on our side may help with intimidation.

Aizawa: Okay I'll make the call now and have them hurry here asap.

As all of class A were feeling scared Izuku sensed it in the air the tension and he felt it was his responsibility to calm them down.

Izuku: Class 1-A I know you guys might be scared but this is the reality we are being targeted and you know I say let them come and get us. We're being trained to be the next best generation of heroes so let's train to show the villians they can't mess with the next generation.

As the class had calmed down everyone had begun to rest so they could train tomorrow

Another chapter done hope you all enjoy till next time peace ☮️

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