chapter 12 The date

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After the hero vs villian training the school day went by quickly and uneventful as the rest of the lessons were basic hero 101. At the end of the day Izuku was waiting at the front gate for Jiro when he sensed the presence of the blind Ronin and they began to speak.

Kenshi: Why are you still here? School ended 7 minutes ago.

Izuku: I'm waiting for a friend

Kenshi: I'm glad you're making friends. Listen I'd like to apologise for leaving out of the blue

Izuku: it's okay you had things that needed to be taken care of

As Kenshi was about to explain the rest of the situation about why he left he and Izuku sensed the presence of someone approaching. 

Jiro: Hi Midoriya are you ready?

Izuku: Yeah let's go I know a nice place to eat.

Kenshi: you've got a date well don't let me keep you.

As Kenshi left them alone Jiro began to blush like crazy and so both Izuku and Jiro left they went to the diner where he met Mina and Momo as they enjoyed the meal Jiro asked if hey Could go to the park.

Izuku: is there any special reason why you want to go to the park?

Jiro: Well after school I go to the park nearby and play guitar for the kids there.

As the two made there way to the park they saw a group of kids and when they saw Jiro the all became happier as the kids saw Izuku they asked Jiro

Kids: ne ne, Jiro onee- chan is that your boyfriend?

Jiro began to blush like crazy and she said no but Izuku could sense jiro's emotions through vibrations and Jiro asked the kids if they wanted to hear her sing but it had gotten late and the kids had to go home before it got later and it was just Izuku and Jiro at the park together and Izuku spoke and it surprised Jiro

Izuku: Jiro Any reason why you wanted to come to the park?

Jiro: Well I wanted to come here because the environment at night is beautiful.

Izuku: don't worry I can sense changes in the environment I'm in and when it rains I could see the ripples that the rain leaves and its like I could see again

When Jiro heard this she fell silent she forgot that he was blind for a second and she realized that she didn't notice his outward appearance but his inward appearance she without noticing what she was doing she wrapped her arms around Izuku and pulled him close for an embrace.

Izuku was a bit confused but decided to embrace her back as the sunset on the their date Jiro notice this and had to get home quickly.

Izuku: if you have to get home I'll walk you want live close to each other  anyway

Jiro: thanks i appreciate the gesture but I'll warn you my dad is somewhat over protective

As the two walked home they approached the cross roads that separated them and Izuku escorted Jiro home and the second she reached her door she pulled her house key out when suddenly the door slammed open with a man yelling and hugging Jiro.

The man looked to be in his early 40s or late 30s but as Jiro said he was over protective as he stopped hugging his daughter he noticed Izuku

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The man looked to be in his early 40s or late 30s but as Jiro said he was over protective as he stopped hugging his daughter he noticed Izuku.

Kyotoku: hello young man what business do you have here?

Izuku: I was just escorting your daughter home.

Jiro began to blush and her father lost it and fainted Izuku sensed the vibration of the thud and asked Jiro

Izuku: Did I say something wrong?

Jiro: No I'll deal with this when he wakes up

Izuku: okay if you say so I'll see you tomorrow.

But before Izuku was about to go home Jiro gave Izuku a kiss on the cheek and after she did this she couldn't believe what she did and so slammed the door and ran to her room while outside Izuku grew a red blush and made his way home.


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