Boy Meets Evil

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Everyone took turns watching over Jimin.

He would fall to sleeps comforting embrace for maybe half an hour before waking again to see the person watching him had too fallen asleep.

He would then lean over and try to puke as quietly as possible.

Eventually when he could not contain it anymore, Yoongi and whoever else was asleep in the room would wake, coming over to console him.

Not having it anymore, Yoongi rose from the pile of clothes he was sleeping on atop the hard wood floors.

He crawled atop his bed and stretched out next to Jimin, pressing his bare chest to Jimin's bare back.

Jimin lay on his right side so he could lean over quicker.

The bare plastic of the bed stuck to their bodies in the humid night's of summer, but it was cool so they didnt mind.

Yoongi rubbed Jimin's stomach soothingly with one hand, combing his fingers through the younger's hair with the other.

Jimin was able to close his eyes, relishing in the comfort.

After awhile, the two fell asleep, tired from the heat and eventful nighy.

Yoongi's thoughts got to him.

They had such a good day. They went out and got breakfast, talked, walked around a bit, bought each other things. What went wrong? 

Jin walked into the room to find the two asleep.

Jimin had wrapped a leg around Yoongi's waist as the other lay tangled with Yoongi's legs.

Later, when Jimin woke he was sweaty and alone.

Still sleepy he just pulled his shirt up higher taking in the minty strawberry vanilla scent before resting again.

Yoongi had been one of the first two awake, drinking his coffee with Jin Hyung in the kitchen.

"That poor boy. It pains me when he gets ill."

Yoongi nodded along, his mind racing.

"We had such a good day yesterday though. We ate breakfast, took some pictures and went shopping."

That wasn't the only thing he remembered.

He remembered nails digging into his back and salty drops of water trailing down his chest. He remebers 'Ap- '

"We should check on him."

Yoongi once again nodded, rising to follow Jin.

Jimin was on his back, left hand groping around at the empty space for something.

"Seems he's looking for something." Jin said, looking at Yoongi.

"Looking for something? Like what?"

Jin shrugged, 'leaving' the room, instead leaning on the door frame. He had a sneaking suspicion.

Jimin's left hand retracted as the right one shot out and gripped Yoongi's wrist, pulling him into the bed and consequently on top of him.

"Found it." Jin whispered.

Jimin snuggled his face in Yoongi's chest, sighing.

Jin pulled out his phone, taking a picture of the two.


Jin reappered by Yoongi's side, waking Jiminie.

"Jiminie-ah! Good Morning!"

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