The Truth Untold

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*Warning: Mentions of DDLB*


The least Namjoon expected was for three Little's to parade around the house in sexual costumes that Jin had accidentally mistaken as Disney princess dresses.

The three were promptly ignoring the four piercing gazes that watched their every move.

That was as far as anyone had expected it to go.

But, after awhile of the Little's playing with their toys, when Minnie suddenly sauntered into the kitchen, things only changed for what you would say a good kind of worse.

Everyone was shocked when Minnie willingly climbed into Yoongi's lap-cutting his conversation with Hoseok off-before asking,

"May you please put the Sprout channel on, Daddy?"

It's quite the miracle that Jin is currently alive at this moment from how much of a coughing fit he had from choking on his tea.

Yoongi was...mortified? No.

Disgusted? Far from it.

Aroused? We'll get back to that.


Yoongi was stunned.

Coming from Hoseok's dropped Jaw, Joon's widened eyes and Jin's choking fit, the others happened to be as well.

Tae and Kookie were standing quietly behind the blonde haired boy, nodding eagerly.

"Daddy~" Jimin whined loudly.

Looking down at the boy, Yoongi swallowed the lump in his throat.


A SIMPLE question.

A question that caused the younger to huff in annoyance.

The three Little's consulted eachother before turning to the eldest, Jin.

"Eomma! Daddy won't help, can you?"

Jin was quick to recover and take action.

"Yes baby, come with me. Let...Daddy speak with Uncle Hobi and Appa."

With that, the five left the kitchen. Consequently leaving three stooped males.

"Daddy huh? I didn't know that was one of your kinks."

Hoseok was quick to move, laughing loudly as Yoongi lunged at him.

Truthfully, Yoongi didn't know either.

Not that he would ever say that. That was the truth untold.

A small smile lit up his face, visions of a playfull, beautiful Minnie flickering through his head.

The soft smile on his face only growing larger, Jin shaking his head as he walked back into the kitchen.

The happy mood slipped away like water through your fingers from the ear splitting scream that echoed from the living room.

After that, there was silence.

A lot of silence that hung heavy with an unsettling feeling.

It was deafening.

And then there was a plethora of screams followed up with crying.

The panic ensued here.

Minnie was never a Little to cry.

When Minnie is sick, that's understandable, but out of the blue.

That's horrendous.

From the living room, over the cries and screams were several apologies and hushed words, but nothing seemed to be working.

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