Dream Glow

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For the first time in ages Jimin had sat down to have a family dinner with his blood relatives.

His mother had gotten into a cooking mood, wanting to fill her son up with delicacies since he had, "been away from his mama's cooking for some time."

Jimin had to admit, it was awkward at first but soon enough it felt like nothing had changed-despite being famous and all.

As Jihoon hyung had said, Jeonghan had implored that he meet Jimin. In learning the younger was too  shy to do so, he opted to get his number and introduce himself over text.

Jimin felt quite comfortable with the elder now, Jeonghan had quite a funny soul. His hyung was able to effectively introduce himself and make Jimin feel at ease.

Jimin was able to take solace in the small conversations the two had, Jeonghan seeming similar to Jin Hyung.

Jihyun had noticed the lift in his brothers mood, his own mood feeling less dampened with Jimin smiling brightly and laughing lighthearted.

Jimin had been discussing some demo vocals he had been recording when his phone began to ring.


There was a muffled noise on the other end and a lot of chatter before a clear voice seeped through.

"Jimin-ah! Would you like to come hang out for a little?"

Jihoon Hyung. Although Jimin had hopes for another, he was glad to hear his Hyung.

"Sure, where at?"

There was more muffled sounds and yelling that were quickly cut into by Jihoons voice.

"At my-yah! At my house-Hyung!"

Even though it was not too clear, Jimin could understand what was being said. Before he could reply, another voice cut through.

"Jimin-ssi! It's Hyung! Lemme hear you!"

Jimin couldn't help but giggle at his Hyung's antics, Jeonghan gushing at the delightful sounds.

Jimin cleared his throat, feeling shy, before whispering his greeting.

"Hello, Jeonghannie Hyung!"

There was a loud clatter in response before a moment of silence. This made Jimin worried, but his worries were not held for long.

"Oh my! How can one be so cute! This boy has a pure soul! Jihoon, how is he friends with you?!"

Jihoon's sounds of disagreement were clearly heard, some words shared that would make a true lady blush falling upon the youngers ears.

"Yah! There is a child on the other line! Watch that language. Especially to me."

Jimin could feel Jihoon's glare.

"Don't look at me like that, I'll get Seungcheol on you!"

Jihoon huffed, groaning loudly.

"Can I have my phone back?!"

After a moment of thought, Jeonghan reluctantly handed the device over. Not without pleasantries of course,

"Jiminie! I love and adore you! Come quick, Hyung wants to see you!"

Jimin blushed, agreeing to come quickly. After throwing on a pin-striped coat, he made his way downstairs.

"Where are you going, dear?"

Jimin smiled at his mom, her own face adorning one.

"Jihoon Hyungs, I will be back later."

With words of encouragement and peace, Mrs. Park wafted him out the door.

The walk to his neighbours house slowly became daunting.

How will they act?

Will they hate me?

Am I imposing?

The questions continued to form, even when he had gotten to the front door of the house. His hand was knocking before he knew it, and all he could do was sway in nervousness.

Let's get this over with, shall we Chim?


Oh my goodness. I apologize! AP classes are so much work! I will try to update as much as possible, but work is mean. Breaks and summer are my go to! I hope you have a good day and thank you all so much!

Rebecca Joe

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