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Just as you would when you wake up on a warm sunny day and then end up running home in the pouring rain, Yoongi was flustered.

Kiss? What was that again?

Ohhhhh, a kiss.

He...wants...a kiss...from...

When the realization hit, it suddenly felt warm, really warm.

Yoongi couldn't place it, but the warmth he felt was like the hot sand on a beach that not even the waves from the ocean could cool.

The boy before him sat there, his eyes wide and innocent as he awaited a response.

Everything about the boy was innocent from his pink hair to his chipped tooth.

Jimin tilted his head, his gaze straying once again.

He couldn't describe it, the urge he felt.

The urge to feel Yoongi, to feel his lips, to be claimed, to claim him.

The tension in the room was rising like the pace of Jimin's heartbeat until he could take it no longer and he began to look away.

It was an odd request and not at the best time either.

He understood if now wasn't the time, and even though he felt disappointment swell in his stomach, he knew he would be kissed eventually.

He uncrossed his legs, indicating he was going to evade the complete situation by fleeing.

But Yoongi wasn't one for unfinished requests.

Yoongi gripped the boys arm, his gaze hardening.

"What did you ask?"

Jimin's eyes gleamed as his cheeks flushed red, he tossed ideas around his head.

"I said, will you miss me?"

Yoongi's eyes softened with amusement.

Cheeky bastard, thought he could get away that easy.

"Miss you? Why, are you going to leave me alone. Again?"

The boys eyes widened once again as his panic jumped into play once more.

"No! No I'm not leaving, I was just-just-well-"

Yoongi cut the word vomit off with his hand, the other one sliding sneakily around the boys waist as he pulled them closer to each other.

"Shhhh. Now tell me. What. Did. You. Ask?"

The boy looked down before laying his head in the crook of Yoongi's neck and mumbling a string of incoherent words.


The boy huffed speaking a little louder but not loud enough.


Getting annoyed, the boy pulled back and shouted in response.

"I asked, will you kiss me?!"

His annoyed glare directed at Yoongi vanished, his gasp being swallowed as Yoongi's experienced mouth just barely met Jimin's own.

Their lips brushed lightly against one another as Jimin turned his head towards the elder.

"Now why would I deny a request my baby boy had asked so politely for?"

The request was fulfilled as Yoongi claimed the youngers mouth hastily, Jimin attempting to follow his Hyung's lead.

Yoongi chuckled into the youngers mouth.

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