Boy With Luv

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Rain was a rare occurrence, but when rain would appear, the people would hide away.

Rain was an ugly, mood draining thing that blurred the world's natural beauty.

To Jimin it was different. All weather was.

The natural beauty of earth to him was restored when it rained.

Ever since he was younger, he had an odd, strong attachment to weather, more so the rain.

The rain itself was beautiful, being earth's natural tears and all.

So when it began to rain late at night, he had to go be with it.

It started softly, like a whisper. The slight drizzle darkening the already present colors.

Jimin's eyes reluctantly opened, the sight of the now speckled window filtering in from several different intakes of his fluttering eyelids.


A small smile fell upon his lips, his attention on full power.

Jimin fought with the duvet, and eventually winning, he threw it back.

One obstacle, check.

The only adversary that remained was Yoongi's arms wrapped firmly around his hips.

With persistent wiggling, he was able to urge Yoongi to remove his grasp and roll over.

Standing up, Jimin recognized that his outfit was hardly proper for a night out in the rain.

Just how long has it been since I have been out?

Rummaging through his and Yoongi's shared closet, he found a pair of loosely fitted pants.

"Shirt. Shirt. Shirt-"

Jimin's rambling was cut short. (A/N: Jeez the amount of mixing up between Shirt and Short and-well. You know.)

He was staring at the division in the closet where the two sides met in his desperate search for a shirt to wear.

His eyes began to wonder to Yoongi's shirts.

Something he wouldn't dare to think of wearing. (When he was big anyway.)

Biting on his nails, he reached out and gently touched the fabric.

He recognized the shirt easily. Everyone, including Yoongi, had worn the shirt at some point.

Jimin hadn't, and in a moment's decision, he removed the shirt from the hanger and placed it over himself.

The rain had gotten heavier, the sound loud like a bass drum.

Jimin grabbed his phone and slipped into a pair of shoes before rushing out the back door.

He needed to meet with the rain, for who knew how long it would be before they saw each other again?

Jimin slid the heavy glass door open and rushed into the cold drops of water that flattened his fading pink hair and trailed over his pale face.

It soaked through his shirt and ran down his back making him shiver. Did he care? No. He'd done this so many times that his body was used to the sudden coldness.

The back door had sent a security notification to Jin's phone. Jin let his eyes adjust to the brightness of the device as he watched the camera to see the pink haired boy out in the pouring rain.

Startled, Jin jumped out of bed causing ruckus among Namjoon and Jungkook who were cuddled close to each other.

"Something wrong Hyung?"

Jin was slipping on a pair of pants while glancing at his phone.


Jungkook sat up, no longer drowsy. Namjoon was up next.

"What's wrong with him, Jinnie?"

Jin turned his phone towards the boys who winced at the brightness, but looked closer.

Soon they too were rushing to get dressed.

At the same time, Yoongi had turned over and reached out, but only grabbed air.

His eyes opened as he looked around.

The bathroom light was off and door closed, but the closet door was open and Minnie's discarded clothes were visible.

Yoongi looked further noticing that the boys shoes and phone were gone as well.

Throwing on a pair of joggers, Yoongi opened his door and walked towards the living room.

On his way he ran into Jin, Jungkook and Namjoon.

"Hyung, What's going on?"

"Minnie is outside."

"In the rain?"


Soon the four made their way to the back door where they could see a blur of pink.

Sliding the door open, he became clearer.

Jimin was standing in the rain with his arms crossed, but he wasn't shivering. Just soaked.

He was singing, his phone placed under the porch roof to remain dry as it played a fitting song.


Jungkook called out to the boy, hoping for the pink haired male to turn around and smile, or cry, or pout. Anything.

But nothing happened.

Yoongi stepped out into the rain, ignoring the hollers of the others. Soon he was next to the younger, drenched and shivering beyond belief.

He had stopped singing and was now just standing in a peaceful quiet.

"People always think of the rain as a horrendous thing. It's ugly and depressing. It is a mood killer and destroys the beautiful days of the earth. But what has it done? It's part of the earth."

Yoongi was startled to hear such wise words, and it clicked. Minnie hasn't been himself recently because he was becoming big.


"The rain makes those beautiful days what they are. The grass wouldn't be as green. The flowers wouldn't be as vibrant. The climate wouldn't be as hot, nor the sky so blue without rain. Why do people hate it so much? Why can't people just accept it?"

Jimin had finally turned to face Yoongi, his eyes wide and his forehead creased.

"Why can't people accept the extraordinary?"

Yoongi reached out, brushing the boys hair back.

"Would you like to talk about this inside? We'll catch a cold if we continue like this."

The boy looked back at the sky.

"I guess I can go back."

And for today, Jimin parted with the rain.

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