Michael's Visit

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Janet's POV

I slowly woke up and yawned feeling Mariah shift beside me. I glanced over at her and chuckled,

"Finally up?" She groaned softly and pulled the covers over her head as I smiled, making my way down under the covers.

"Go back to sleep." I giggled,

"We've basically slept the day away. Now, come on. I smell food and I'm sure Whit went all out for Michael." She perked up and smirked,

"Come on and let's go." I laughed as she slid from under her blankets and got off the bed.

"Wait up for me!" She snickered as I followed her out of the room.

"Girl, I'm hungry!" I shook my head and chuckled,

"Like always."

"I know you're not talking, Jackson." I snickered and shrugged, walking downstairs to the kitchen.

"Hey, Dunk!" Michael walked over and kissed my cheek then waved at Mariah as I hugged him.

"Hey, Mikey. I see Whitney's been here." Mariah snickered as we both glanced over the table at the feast.

"While you two hoes were asleep, I was slaving away in this hot ass kitchen!" Mariah burst out laughing and crossed her arms,

"Whit, why're you cussing so much? What would Jesus do, darling?" Whit snickered at Mimi and shrugged,

"Why don't you go ask him for me. I'll help." Mike and I snickered while Mariah squinted at Whitney.

"Do they bicker a lot?" Michael asked. I smiled and crossed my arms,

"Usually, it's just Whit and Margerine or Mariah and I." He nodded and giggled,

"Speaking of the witch, where is she?" I looked at him and the Whit,

"Hey, where's Madonna?" She scoffed and shrugged,

"Who knows? Probably conjuring up a spell in her chambers." I covered my face as Michael laughed. She was a mess.

"Well, while you all search for the wicked witch of the west, Royalty and I will be eating upstairs in our room." We all looked at her confused.

"Pardon?" Mike asked.

"Yeah, who's Royalty?" She rolled her eyes at me then grinned as the puppy walked in.

"Him! Come here, my little Royalty!" Whitney scrunched up her nose before shaking her head,

"She gets us a puppy then names it on her own. Surprising." Mariah giggled and shrugged,

"Well, I did pay for him, so go be salty somewhere else." I giggled at the two while Mike pulled Whitney close to keep her from retaliating.

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