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"So, how'd you get your powers, hmm?"

Saiko stared blankly at the screen of glass. The Enforcers were on the other side, continuously asking her questions. How ironic. She felt like she was being cornered by her old friends... She'd been restrained, her hands and feet were tied to the chair, and her magic was weak simply because she was too devastated to use it.

Satsuki was dead.

"If you don't speak up soon, we'll have to hurt you," The white haired one that looked like Luna said. Her eyes were instead bright blue, with a sadistic look on her face. Her name was Charity. "We don't have to. We just want to help you."

Saiko remained silent. She wouldn't ever say anything. Her life had no purpose anymore... without Satsuki, she was nothing. She couldn't believe she had killed her..

"If she doesn't talk, that just means we get to slice her to pieces," The girl with short blue hair smirked and had tally marks on her neck. Her name was Arden. "I won't hold back."

"Give her some time, she looks traumatized," The girl resembling Hikari said. Her hair was in a high side ponytail, with gradient clothes and her name was Faith. "But she better start talking soon."

She wouldn't say a word, she never would.

Saiko knew better. Besides, she felt empty inside. Even if they killed her, there was nothing worth living for. Satsuki was dead, and that meant that she should be dead too.
There was nothing worth living for.



Daisy finally achieved her goal- escaping the prison. However, she failed to realize the consequences that would follow. With the Enforcers searching the country for escapees and ex-prisoners considered dangerous due to their newfound magic, Daisy and company are forced to go into hiding.

Not to mention, any time in prison had taken its toll as Daisy's mental state is driven to the brink of Insanity. With the thought of being dragged back to a prison constantly on her mind, Daisy can barely think clearly.

With the threat of a red haired menace making its way through the country in search of her beloved, Daisy must stop the rampaging girl, save her friends and her sanity... before it's too late.

hey everyone! welcome back. after instability happened... i'm so excited for this book. it's going to be better. it's going be fun !

thanks for reading :)

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