Chapter 14

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"Do we even know where this prison is?"

Toadette was as skeptical as ever as she questioned whether or not Daisy had a real plan. Daisy nodded. Yes, she had a plan, but she was grateful that Peach had stayed behind with Luigi. Peach hadn't put up as much of a fight to go to the prison, and Daisy was glad.

"It's in the center of town," Daisy said confidently, hoping no one could see the emotions that were turmoiling inside of her. Sadness. Anger. Determination...Hysterical. "It's heavily guarded. Of course."

"If it wasn't, I would have been surprised," Toadette grumbled in annoyance as she paced back and forth. "We really need a map. Then we can plan something..."

"Where are we going to find a map of the place?" Daisy sighed. "It's a guarded location that's meant to be kept secret from the public. How are we just going to find a random map?"

"...At the observatory," Rosalina said promptly,
making everyone look at her in disbelief. She just shrugged. "Mario knew...everything. The only problem is that...the observatory is probably the Enforcers. How are we...going to get past them...?"

"...We're a bunch of super powered humans against a couple of normal people," Daisy clenched her fists in determination. "I think we can get in."

"Are you guys sure?" Peach clasped her hands together in worry. "I know you've all been missing from the outside world for awhile, but...I don't think you guys understand how dangerous the Enforcers are. There is a reason a lot of crime died down..."

"They weren't up against us."

"Us?" Rosalina scoffed. "You are still very novice, Peach doesn't...possess powers like us. Toadette and I can hold...our own, but...We lack Saiko and Kaira. We're...not as powerful as we used to be."

"Even still, we can do it!" Daisy said encouragingly. "I know we can. We need that map, and we're going to get it."

"...Fine. But can you really hold your own...?"

"I'm going to have to."


Daisy never thought she'd be back.

Yet, here she was. Somehow, the Observatory hadnt been torn down by the Enforcers. Sure, it was covered in police tape, that much they could all see even from here, but it hadn't been destroyed. Daisy realized the place had a certain...charm. It was a circular shape with a large tower on the top that she had never noticed before. Why was she only noticing this now...?

"My home..." Rosalina said reflexively. "It's..."

"As dreadful as ever," Toadette said sharply. They could see a white haired Enforcer walking into the prison, and guards surrounded the area. "How do you plan to get in?"

"Uh...This is when us being invisible could help," Daisy said. "But we're just going to have to try and sneak in. If we brute force it, they'll know we're here...and I'm sure they're already looking for all of us. If they can capture Saiko, then we should take extra care to be safe."

The group of three girls quietly snuck around guards and made their way into the prison. Daisy held her breath as a guard passed them unwittingly. Once they passed, they quickly
slipped into a spare room. They sighed in relief, only for that relief to quickly change to horror at the sight around them.


Blood was splattered everywhere; against the walls, on the floor, soaked in every crevice. The substance was no longer the bright crimson it had once been, but a dark, dried red. The dried substance extended to even the cracks in the walls, coating the prison in blood.

"I..wonder whose blood this is," Rosalina said quietly. "It seems...we weren't the only ones who broke into fights..."

"Mario's goons must have slaughtered those who weren't able to escape," Toadette deduced sharply, her eyes narrowed in distaste. Her folded arms and distinct glare couldn't hide her nervousness as she shifted subtly from side to side. Daisy couldn't help but notice that beneath her intimidating stance, her face was contorted with worry. "I wonder just how many Satsuki killed."

"She-! I...Hope not many..." Rosalina mumbled. "Besides, she's...shes..."

"...I'm sure the Enforcers cleaned up her body already, too," Daisy said. "It's unfortunate, but we have to keep moving. We've gotta find that map!"

"The archives were this way," Rosalina instructed, leading them right through more blood soaked hallways. Daisy tried her best to keep her mind focused, but the disgusting state of the prison made her want to throw up. She was used to blood, but not this much blood. She couldn't help but think this all seemed sort of fitting, however. A prison built on blood was now soaked in it. "This way..."

They slowly crept through the hallway, where Rosalina pointed to the doorway. Unsurprisingly, the archive room was right next to Mario's old control room. At the sound of voices nearby, everyone froze.

"Ugh. This is all so boring. Why'd I get stuck with this job?" The woman speaking sounded so annoyed, Daisy was reminded of the types of people who complain that lines aren't moving fast enough. "Looking through files is like, the worst thing that could have happened to me. Don't you agree?"

"Arden, I know this sucks. But the least you could do is help," A high pitched and musical voice of another woman said. Someone-Arden- laughed.

"I'm trying! But when you have the attention span of a fly, it's kinda hard," Arden whined. "I never was any good with studying on time. I've got my trusty spear, what else do I need-"

"This is Eden's orders. Now shut up and behave."

"Charity, you're no fun at all."

What do we do? Rosalina mouthed, and Daisy pursed her lips in concentration. What could they do? That was the room they needed to get into, but there were those people, presumably Enforcers, in there. They really couldn't afford to be seen, much less put themselves in danger. But how to draw them out...She could see the corner of the hallway from here. She quickly whispered her plan to Rosalina, who nodded and placed her hands out.

A portal opened behind the corner, the sounds of the void echoing through the hallway. Brief chatter from the two Enforcers commenced before they both stepped into the hallway and disappeared around the corner. In an instant, the three ran for the archives door, quickly shutting and locking it behind them. The raged cries of the Enforcers and the banging on the door started soon after. They had to be fast.

"Here's the map," Rosalina said urgently, and Toadette frowned.

"Look, everyone's files are just scattered everywhere!"

"We don't have time to grab them. Rosalina, can you bust us through that vent?" Daisy asked, and her answers were granted. "Everyone, through, quick!"

They crawled through the vent as fast as they could, and within moments, they could hear the Enforcers break down the door and deduce where they had gone. Daisy cursed, her heart beating faster and faster as her adrenaline kicked in. All of a sudden, gusts of winds pushed the trio through the vent and into a hallway, courtesy of Toadette. Daisy quickly sealed up the vent with thick vines. The three ran as fast and sneakily as they could, narrowly escaping the prison without being seen.

"Phew," Daisy panted once they were quite a distant from the prison. "That was close..."

"We need to keep running until we get home. They could be following us," Toadette scolded. Daisy nodded.

"You're right. Let's get going."

As the three disappeared, the two Enforcers finally bust through the vent. Arden immediately began cursing.

"I can't believe we let them get away! We're so stupid!"

"...Maybe not," Charity said, holding up a piece of vine. "Let's go check those files..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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