Chapter 10

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"Who was that girl that we saw?"

Daisy had been silent all along, not wanting to cause any tension between her and Rosalina. While she knew Rosalina had yelled only out of worry, she still didn't want to cause an argument. But now, she needed to know. They were almost caught, yet, the seductive girl had recognized Rosalina. That was the only reason they were alive.

"...Honestly...I have no idea," Rosalina answered, keeping her tone even. "She just had...Such a striking resemblance to a girl I once knew...Her name was Utari. It's been so long...Since I've seen her..."

"A girl you once knew? And her name was Utari?" Toadette scoffed. "What a strange name."

"Why does this matter...?" Luigi muttered quietly to himself. "Who cares about the resemblance..."

"She was a prisoner..." Rosalina sighed, ashamed of her previous self. "I...I did not like her. She was a bad influence on young Satsuki and Saiko...Utari was killed by a gang of girls in the prison. A gang that I helped formulate."

"Wait. You helped kill someone...!?" Peach questioned, shocked.

"You'd be surprised what we've all been through," Daisy said, her voice monotone. Hearing that Rosalina had hired someone to kill didn't even surprise her anymore. After watching Saiko kill her beloved, Daisy didn't think she could be shocked ever again. She ignored Peach's horrified glance over to her. "You had someone killed because you didn't like them?"

"I...I regret my swiftness to jump to violence. You have to understand that Satsuki was my everything.."

"But...But you killed someone..." Peach's blue eyes widened in fear. She didn't want to believe that the elegant woman beside her was a murderer. A sinister smile built on Daisy's face, something only Luigi noticed.

"I regret my decision extremely..." Rosalina brushed her hair back behind her ears. "...Not Pauline, though. She deserved what she got..."


"Um- D-Daisy.." Luigi pointed out, looking fearful. The others suddenly noticed her demeanor, shocking them.

"Haha..Ahahah!" Daisy couldn't contain herself any longer. She burst out laughing, holding her stomach to try and stop herself. "It's just that...You're so petty. Having someone killed because you didn't like them..."

"D-Daisy, are you a-alright?" Peach questioned cautiously, taking a step back. She'd never seen her so unhinged before. Up until now, Daisy had seemed the same as before she'd even departed for prison. What was up with the sudden change?

"Yes! I'm fine!" Daisy giggled, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. "It's just that...Everyone I've ever known is turning out to be a psychopath! Toadette has killed, Satsuki and Saiko were insane, now Rosalina has killed for a petty reason...Peach, where's your insane secret!? Join the crazy club!"

"Your hands aren't clean either," Rosalina said bitterly. "Last I remember, you were willing to do anything to escape...I'm sure you would have killed...someone if you were given the chance."

"I didn't kill anyone, unlike you."

"You might as well have killed Satsuki...Since your insistence to leave forced Saiko to kill her own lover."

"HOW DARE YOU!" Daisy cried out, immediately lunging towards Rosalina. While Daisy had the intent to tackle her, Rosalina merely sidestepped. Rosalina's crystal blue eyes glinted in the light as she brought her hand down, forcing Daisy to the ground with her magic. "LET ME GO!"

"Don't pretend you're innocent..." Rosalina growled, demonstrating her deadliness in one moment. Their absence from the prison had resulted in Daisy forgetting everyone else's power. Genuinely, Daisy forgot just how strong Rosalina and Toadette were. Letting go of Daisy, she sighed. "...We're all...hiding together. There's no need...for us to cause...problems between us."

"...You're right. I'm sorry," Daisy apologized, standing up. Brushing her dress off, Daisy suddenly felt very ashamed. She didn't know where her attitude had come from, but the prospect of Rosalina killing someone had just seemed so funny. That thought scared her. She had been so quick to proclaim that everyone else was insane, but was she slipping? "It just...I don't know, it slipped out."

"Do you think that girl will report us to her other Enforcers?" Toadette switched the subject. Everyone else was still watching Daisy tensely, and she didn't like the negative energy. "We need to move if that's the case."

"Maybe. We should probably move anyways, this isn't the most secure place," Daisy sighed. "Alright. Let's all eat up. We'll move again in the morning."

Everyone nodded. Worried that Peach was now fearful, Daisy tried to reach for her arm comfortingly, but Peach pulled away.

"Sorry, Daisy," Peach looked away, ashamed. "I need to be alone right now."

Am I really going crazy...?

hey everyone! christmas spree of updates :)

question of the chapter: do you want to see saiko or daisy next chapter?

thanks for reading!

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