Chapter 9

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"Daisy Sarasa. You're under arrest."

Those words ran through Daisy's mind once again. Arrest? Damn, she knew that she should have just let Peach go alone! Now she'd put them all in danger because of her own, dangerous feelings.

"Perceptive. Good," The female yawned, smirking as she aimed her axe at them. She had a low cut armored chest plate and she wore red lipstick. A white piece of armor with two swirls into a heart was planted on her shoulder. She wore a mini skirt with a longer extension. Her hair was a dark violet shade. "Would have been a shame if that killed you."


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"...Utari, is that...y-you...?" Rosalina suddenly spoke, watching the young, seductive looking girl.

"W-What!?" The female asked in surprise, her position immediately relaxing ever so slightly. She still held an axe in her hand, but her expression was one of shock. "H-How do you-wait... Wait a moment," Her gaze intensified on Rosalina's face. "You...You took..."

Daisy quickly extended her hand, and vines extended from the ground. They quickly entangled the female's lower body, and Daisy and her friends ran while they had the chance. Recovering from her shock, the girl cut herself free of her bondage. Instead of shouting and going after them as intended, she instead watching in disbelief.

"How could you have know her..?"


"Shit, that was close!" Daisy cursed as they made it back to their motel. "We need to move again. They'll find us. Fuck. We fucked up. You're right, we shouldn't have gone with you..."

"I told you, I can handle myself," Peach said gently. "It's alright, Daisy. Let's just fetch the other two, and we can move again."

"Sorry. I'm sorry for being careless."

"It's alright-"

"You endangered all of us," Rosalina scolded. "We shouldn't have gone with her. Stop putting your personal feelings before all of us."

"...Sorry...I won't do it again. But-hey, wait a second. You didn't pause at all in your speech," Daisy completely missed the point of Rosalina's speech. "Is your voice feeling better? The side effects of that experiment is going away?"

"I...I don't know," Rosalina suddenly became very aware of her dialect, unaware that she had been able to speak normally. "I...Huh. You're right...S-Stop deflecting, Daisy! You're in trouble."

"Sorry," Daisy apologized sincerely this time. "I...I just didn't want Peach to go alone. But I understand now... I get that there are some risks worth taking."

"...Good," Rosalina sighed. "...I wonder...What my children would think...of all this madness."


Kaira really hated Rosalina.

Had. Saiko had to keep reminding herself that Kaira and Satsuki were dead. By her hand, nonetheless. Dammit. It was all her fault...
If she hadn't created Kaira, then Satsuki wouldn't have hated Rosalina, and everything would have been alright.

Well, Satsuki's bloodlust had been rising steadily, but...Saiko didn't care about saving lives anymore. She just wanted Satsuki with her.

But that could never happen, for she was dead, and there was no chance of her coming back.

"Did you know a woman named Rosalina Star?" Charity repeated, pacing back and forth within the room once again. Saiko scoffed slightly. Luna was much crazier than Charity had been, but she was a million times nicer.
"Answer me, dammit!"

Saiko refused to speak. She'd already given away too much information. The least she could do was remain quiet now.

"You leave me no choice other than to torture you."

As Saiko's screams echoed throughout the room, Faith barged into the viewing room. Eden calmly turned towards the other girl.

"Eden. The only thing we know about this supposed 'savior' is that they were cloaked," Faith said evenly, annoyed that she hadn't been able to find out more. "They also had a katana. We don't know if they're female or male. Hell, this person could be...Whatever the hell this specimen is. The witness didn't see a birthmark because of the cloak, and I was unable to extract any other information out of her."

"They've been killing on the streets mercilessly," Eden responded. "We need to find and stop them. Faith...I'm trusting you."

"I'm on it. You know I'll find this person, and when I do... Well, things won't be pretty."

hey everyone! hope you enjoyed this chapter.

question of the chapter: how do you think Rosalina knows Utari?

thanks so much for reading!

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