Chapter 11

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"Samara and Reina. Report. What have you found?"

While Reina droned on about her findings, Samara kept her mouth shut. She was apprehensive; what was she supposed to say? She had found just who they were looking for, but she was with Rosalina Star...

"And what have you found, Samara?" Eden looked over expectantly, a no-nonsense look on her face as she sternly stared down Samara.

"I searched around the market and the streets of the Mushroom Kingdom," Samara responded truthfully. Rosalina Star...You took her away from me. "...I found no one with a birthmark. The securities are doing a fantastic job of searching and scanning for fugitives."

"Is that so?" Eden stared at Samara for a hard moment, and then she focused back towards her work. "Well then. Off you go."

"What? But we couldn't find anyone," Reina reminded her. "I'm sure we could be of more use here."

"No. You must continue searching," Eden replied distantly. "Take a short break, and then head on our again. Understood?"

"Yes," They replied simultaneously, and left the room hurriedly. Meanwhile, Eden stood from her chair and pressed the button to enter patient three hundred and four's room.

"This is Eden. Initiating investigation number eighty-seven," She muttered under her breath, and then glanced upwards.

The blue haired female was still shackled firmly to her chair with a defeated look on her face. Her bangs had grown out and she was shaking.

"Saiko Paath. Have you calmed down?"

Saiko remained silent at this, only glaring at Eden. The redhead crossed her arms, irritated.

"If you do not answer soon, then I'll just have to kill you myself."

What Eden didn't realize was that Saiko had been praying for that outcome for awhile now. After all, Saiko was an experienced warrior who had technically trumped Satsuki; she could have easily broken out. But she knew she deserved this punishment...and so here she was.

"It's a shame that you're so dangerous to the world," Eden sighed mockingly, and her actions made Saiko's blood boil. "I'm sure you would have been a great Enforcer. Instead, here you are. An abomination with no tracks, no criminal record even though you should have one...your files are the only thing we have. Almost like you shouldn't have existed."

Saiko bristled at this. She already knew that her existence was questionable considering how Mario had brought her into the world. Hearing it from someone else made it worse...but it wasn't like Eden even truly knew what she was talking about.

That didn't mean it didn't hurt.

Eden knew exactly what she was doing. She sighed slightly, continuing to pace back and forth with her hands behind her back. She knew her next move was about to rub salt in a wound...

But frankly, she didn't care.

"So, Saiko...Did you know that we threw the corpse out?"

Saiko immediately knew what Eden was referencing. Her head snapped upward to glare at the redhead, who just stared back stoically. Saiko narrowed her ocean blue eyes, a furious expression on her face.

"Yes, yes...I think I did it myself," Eden feigned surprise at her own bluff. "Her clothes were matted with blood...Quite a mess-"

"I...I FUCKED IT ALL UP!!!" Saiko shouted loudly, and tears began to stream down her face. She had wanted to maintain silence, but the thought of her dead beloved hurt more than anything else. "Stop!! Don't say it-Don't speak her name!!"

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