Chapter 1

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"Where do we plan...on going...?"

The group consisting of the tall and elegant Rosalina, the easily frightened and upset Luigi, the uptight and grieving Toadette, and finally their leader- kind Daisy. They'd been walking away from the prison for no one knew how long, and they were starting to become fatigued. Still, they knew it was a danger to be found anywhere near the prison, just in case someone found them and tried to drag them back.

Although, no one was left to try and do that. Satsuki was dead, consuming any traces of their old friend Kaira. Saiko had gone down with Satsuki, and Mario was left crippled while Pauline had been killed brutally by Rosalina. But it didn't stop them from being cautious.

"Peach's house," Daisy responded confidently, a smile stuck on her face. No matter what, the orange haired girl couldn't fight her happiness for long- not that she had been trying particularly hard. She was so happy to see the sun again, so gleeful to see the bright sky and even though it was darkening outside, she was too ecstatic about being outside once again that it didn't matter. "She'll take us in, I know she will."

"Hang on," Luigi interrupted, his equally excited features fading, a frown replacing his smile. "What about... what about my family? Do I get to see them?"

"Yes, and I need to see mine too... but Rosalina doesn't have anywhere to stay..." Daisy reminded him, glancing at the quiet blonde. Her hands were still stained red, her silver crown perched on her head was elegant, despite its bloody state. "Toadette, how about you?"

"Um... I don't have anyone anymore," Toadette replied, crossing her small arms. She sighed, closing her pink eyes momentarily before opening them once again. "So... what is the plan for Rosalina and I?"

"Well, you two are going to stay at Peach's house, and I'll join you as well so it's not awkward," Daisy revealed her plans for their lodging. Her ocean blue eyes sparkled with excitement as she began to revel in the thought of seeing her best friend once again, and seeing her family. "Luigi, it's up to you with what you want to do."

"I think I'm going to go home," Luigi admitted, looking down. Unlike the rest of the group, Luigi was terrified- and he wasn't afraid to admit it. He couldn't hold his own like the others could. All he wanted to do was go home, and lament for his brother. To embrace and inform his family of the tragedy that had engulfed him, and where Mario had been for the past years. "Th-that's okay, right?"

"Of course!" Daisy nodded, slightly relieved. It would have been a hassle to explain to Peach's grandfather, Toadsworth, about why they had a boy over. Even though it was Luigi, who they'd known for quite awhile, he was still overly protective of the two girls. "I'm just going to get these two to Peach's house, first. Then I'm going to stop by my house, and you can go to yours..."

"Thank you for providing us with somewhere to stay," Toadette responded, taking out her fan to play with. While it was capable of commanding great danger, right now, it looked simple. Elegant. It was decorated pink with white polka dots scattered randomly, but razor sharp edges stopped the weapon from looking entirely helpless. "I really appreciate it."

"Well, I'm glad you do... but look ahead of us! It's the Mushroom Kingdom!" Daisy said excitedly, nearly jumping up and down from excitement. Luigi smiled, and they began running towards it. "We're going to be free!"


"How did you get to the prison?"


Leaving the Comet Observatory meant that Saiko was finally free- yet, she still lacked her freedom. She'd merely been transferred from one prison to another. A life without Satsuki was hell for her, anyways. She'd sacrificed a couple of years of being with Satsuki in order to save the people of the prison, and then sacrificed Satsuki herself in order to save the people of the world. While it was honorable, it left Saiko empty, and wishing she had been selfish. For without Satsuki, she meant nothing.


"I'm talking to you, answer!"

The women deemed the Enforcers were carefully observing from their side of the glass. They had been 'interrogating' her for an hour, but she had never responded. How could she betray any information about the prison? How could she live without Satsuki in her life?

From the other side of the glass, the white haired female named Charity slammed her hand down on the table in frustration. She was getting frustrated with the lack of action occurring- for Charity was known quite well for being the most sadistic of the group.

"Calm down, Charity," The blue haired girl with dark red eyes said, retaining her collected state. Her name was Reina, and she prided herself in her ability to stay cool and level headed in tough situations. "Getting angry will do nothing."

"I've got to agree with Char here," Another female with short blue hair and taunting electric eyes scoffed, crossing her arms. Tattoos of tally marks lined her neck. Known as Arden, her arrogant nature showed as she said her next words. "She looks weak enough to break under anyone's torture."

"Patience is a virtue," The girl with cream colored hair and monochromatic clothing responded, fixing her side ponytail before glancing back at the despondent girl in the interrogation room. This girl was named Faith, and was indeed the most patient of the Enforcers. The others couldn't wait a moment, while Faith had plenty of time to spare. "We should not resort to violence unless we have to."

"Since when have we been about non violence...?" The girl with dark, purple hair twisted into a braid and similarly colored eyes smirked, leaning over slightly so that her cleavage was on display. Her name was Samara Milkovich- and she was known for being seductive in order to get her way. "Whatever works, I suppose..."

"Quiet, all," The girl with the bright red hair and emerald eyes snapped. She wore a green shirt with a black jacket over it, and had a symbol on her forehead. Her cunning eyes scanned the girl, paying attention to every detail. Her name was Eden- and she was the leader. As such, her focus never wavered. "She must be handled with care. Regardless of how useless her magic is currently, if she ever is awakened from this despondent state... We will be in deep trouble."

"I think our best bet would be torturing her," Charity piped up, her angelic appearance contradicting her own words. "She's bound to say something. No one can resist that..."

"You say this every time," Faith reminded the sadistic girl, who pouted in response. Faith turned her attention back to the dangerous blue haired female. "Besides, look. She has not responded at all. I believe she is depressed."

"Faith is correct," Eden confirmed, turning back to her crew of Enforcers. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing, and faced their leader with respect. "Everyone, ready your weapons. We will check out this so called Comet Observatory once again."

hey everyone! i hope you enjoyed the update. i'm super excited for this!

question of the chapter: favorite/least favorite enforcer so far?

thanks for reading!

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