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Draya's POV

"I don't know why you love that man, it's been long enough and you still haven't told him how you feel."

"It's hard when he has a gf I can't just up and tell him."

"Then move on, and start thinking about what I asked you."

"What you want me to move back to Cali, I can't do that."

"You need some change, and you can still be a stylist out here."


"Just think about it Lo, plus I need your help with this clothing line."

"I don't know yet."

"Well call me later okay."

"Alright, love you sissy."

"You too hoe."

I threw my phone on to my pillow, I was in my bedroom when I realized my baby was coming home today. I walked downstairs and sure enough he was knocking on my door. I quickly ran over to open the door. He was smiling from ear to ear with that gorgeous smile of his.

He walked in and dropped his bags, I ran into his arms and he picked me up, like always I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist."I missed you baby."

"I missed you too." He was cupping my ass and I kissed his lips.

"Where ya panties?" I chuckled at him hiding my face in his neck.

"I wasn't in the mood." I pouted still hiding my face, Orlando chuckled, he closed the apartment door with his foot and walked us over to the couch making sure I was on top of him straddeling his hips.

"You better only do that shit when you at home Draya."

"I do baby don't trip." I smiled while Orlando rubbed my butt, I kissed his lips multiple times.

"I love you."

"I love you too Draya."

Orlando and I had the best relationship except it was complicated due to the fact that he was always working and so was I. With my swimwear line and clothing line and him playing football it made it hard for us but we made the best of it.

Lauren's POV

After talking to Draya all morning about moving, and about August and his girlfriend I decided I needed to get my mind off a few thing but just as I put my phone down on the bed it vibrated and I saw a text from August.

"I gotta gig tonight need ya ta be there wit me."

I sighed but quickly replied,"You know damn well I don't stay at your parties."

"Just come I need ya."

I sighed contemplating on whether I wanted to be around his annoying ass girlfriend but I gave in to him as usual,"What time."


Before getting to August's gig I met him at his apt to get him dressed, I was his stylist so most of my time was spent with him getting him ready for shows, interviews, any type of appearance really. I hated going to clubs with him, it was too much thirst going around for both me and August and I wasn't about it at all.

"You look good Aug let me fix your jacket." August was standing in front of the mirror while I fixed him up.

"Okay...there." He turned and smiled.

"Thanks ma."

"No problem, where's Bri?"

August was putting on his gold watch while speaking to me,"She at ha friends, they gon come wit her to the club."

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