Chapter X

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Ladybug could feel the adrenaline pumping through her body as she runs after Vlad and Chat Noir. The three of them were undercover for the school to find out where the villains were hiding. They were going to find out when one of the bounty hunters recognize Vlad and started shooting. They were able to escape the building but now are being chased by more bounty hunters.

"Come on Vlad! Why don't you tell us why they want to kill you?!" Ladybug scream as they jump to the next rooftop.

"Well, I'm half monster that hasn't been explained yet and I have a power that can be used against anyone."

"And you're only telling us this now! After two years! Even tho we're still on the first day." Chat Noir said.

"Well I am a weapon to some and I can be used against my friends and family. Besides, we almost had the answer to the villains' hideout. I just didn't expect it to be in Candyland."

"And the only person who knows how to get in is dead!"

"Boys! Let's focus on the task at hand. Getting out of here!"

"We're almost at the checkpoint!"

"Let's hope Santa isn't too mad."

"Yeah. I hope we don't end up on the naughty list." The trio finally reaches their destination, the Candy Jet. "Let's go!!"

"Wait!" Vlad yelled. "Does anyone know how to fly this thing?!"

"Where are they?" Chloé said as she paces back and forth. This was the big day for her and she couldn't believe they were late.

"Chlo, calm down. I'm sure Robbie and Dipper have everything figured out." Alya said as she sat Chloé down and started to brush her hair. "Besides we've known them for how many years now?"

"I don't know. The story just started and we're barely past the first day of school."

"Touché. So are you ready for the day?"

"You mean the ship of me and someone we know?"


"I'm nervous. I mean if someone told me to be with someone else for who knows how long, I'll explode."

"That wouldn't be so bad."

"Hey! I thought we were friends!"

"Cannon wise, no, not yet. Here, somewhat."

Suddenly the door swung open to reveal Robbie in a wedding dress with Dipper behind him. Chloé had so many questions like...

"Why are you wearing my dress?!"

"Because we had to go through an akuma that puts guys in girl's clothes," Dipper said as he tried to help Robbie out of the dress.

"Why?" Alya asked.

"How are we supposed to know?! That's your field of expertise." Robbie yelled.

"Don't ruin the dress!"

"Just go get Marinette to get me out of here!"

Nino was sitting on the roof with a yellow floating triangle. They seem to be having a tea party, based on the table with a pot, food, and teacups. At least, the yellow triangle was having a tea party while Nino was tied up on a chair. He tried to wiggle out of the ropes but couldn't.

"Don't bother. We have to have a tea party."

"Why did you pick me to do this?!"

"Well, Cat Boy was in the first part of the prank."

"Dude!!! Why did you say that?!"

"Because," The triangle turn toward you, the reader, and said. "It's April Fool's Day!"

"Who are you talking to?"

"The audience. The ones who are reading this story. And who are wondering what is going. Also, you all should buy gold."


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