My First World Meeting

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I was excited. Today I was going to a world meeting for the first time, finally having been accepted into the United Nations after a full six years of trying. I had gotten fully prepared. I had even written down a few of the things I wanted to speak about and a few major insults I'd be able to get away with without the other countries even knowing I was insulting them if I felt the need.

My hair bounced as I walked into the building where the meeting was going to be held at. While walking through the halls I only gained more and more faulty confidence. I felt I probably knew what I was doing even more than many of the other UN countries. I let those thoughts bolster my confidence tenfold and my ego even more.

I let myself hold these thoughts tight as I opened the door nice and wide to reveal myself and attempted to catch the attention I never seemed to receive. However, nobody even looked at me! There I was, bursting at the seams with absolute confidence and no one was even noticing me. They were all too busy with screaming nonsense at each other like mad men.

Angry that I had dressed up in such proper clothing rather than my usual informal and plain attire and no one had noticed me, I slammed the door. I had even worn a pair of heeled boots instead of tennis shoes. This caused a few heads to turn, most not really caring about what they saw. I took a seat and loudly thunked my boots on the table. This caught explicit attention from France, Britain, Canada, America, and Germany. I crossed my arms under my breast and closed my eyes in anger. "Is this how you idiots treat a lady when she walks in the room? In Schokolade the men at least have the decency to stop yelling and say hello when a lady enters!" My voice echoed around the room in an impressive deepness for me. It was the biggest surprise of the day.

"Dudes, I don't think we need another country telling us what to do," America said.

I opened my eyes and dropped my feet loudly to the floor, refusing to drop the act. I growled at him, "Do you want to say that again, America..."

America put his hand on the table and looked at me. "I'm saying we don't need a little girl telling us what to do."

I slammed my hands on the table with as much fierceness as Germany would have. Learning from watching Germany interact with other countries seemed to be great for my method acting. "I'll give you one chance to rephrase that."

"I won't."

I stood. "Are you looking to start a war...?" I stepped up to him. "Because this is my first day here with a personal recommendation by your boss to make peace with you and an army waiting under my bosses thumb. She isn't actually very keen on making peace with anyone outside of Europe."

"Hah! You're a child compared to me!" America laughed.

I grabbed his jacket at the top and pulled him down to my eye level. "Are you sure? Italy didn't look like much back in his younger days." I took a deep breath and released his jacket. I sat down quickly with my feet back up on the table, my arms crossed and my eyes closed again. "I'm sorry. I lost my temper. There is no need to start another cold war. Please, continue your meeting in the usual fashion."

There was a fierce silence in the room as I felt all eyes on me. I heard light clapping from across the table. "That was impressive, Miss Schokolade," said a light voice that still rung true in the silence of the room.

I opened my eyes to see Canada smiling. "Oh... thank you, Canada... uh..." I didn't really know what to do. A complement for telling off his brother? It seemed a little... weird.

"Oh..." It seemed as though he hadn't expected me to know him.

"America." I closed my eyes again. "I said you could continue." My body still gave off confidence but my mind I was being cussed out for even confronting the larger country.

"Ah right." America said. He said something else too but by the time it left his mouth, the shouting had resumed and everything was indecipherable again.

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