England Visits

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I stared at the off TV waiting for England to arrive. There was a knock at the door and Mathew got up to answer it. When they came back, England had his arms around Canada and reeked of alcohol. "Mr. England? Any chance I can have my boyfriend back?"

"He's my Canada and you can't bloody well have him so you'd better just back off!" England yelled out.

Canada attempted to talk his way out of it. "Eh? E-Exuse me... I'm sorry England sir but I'm independent now... or did you forget, ey?" He seemed extremely confused.

"Oh boy..." I sighed and got up. "England... Let Canada go, please?"

"No! I bloody won't let him go! I won't let that frog face take him! Oh no!" England grabbed hold the curl on the top of Canada's head. "I'm too late! That frog has already influenced my beautiful boy!"

I felt a pang in my heart. England had known I was pregnant but he'd also been told that I lost the child. "How drunk are you?"

"I only had a brandy in the pub with Ireland, love! I can handle my liquor!" He refused to release Mathew as Canada attempted to pry him off.

"I'll call Ireland..." I picked up Canada's phone, knowing he had the number and went into his contacts. I hit call on Ireland's face. It rang once. Twice. Thr- " 'ello? Canada? What id you need?"

"Actually it's Kinder... sorry Schokolade... I understand you went out drinking with England today. How much did he have?"

"Arthoehr went all ooeht! He was completely wrote off like two sheets in the wind when he left! Seemed a little banjaxed, he did. The lad had himself neck deep in Volvo!" Ireland laughed loudly. "If I didn't know him I say he was an alcho! He was full as a nine weel keyart! Got himself plastered, that's for sure."

I always had so much trouble with Ireland's accent and slang (didn't help that he was almost constantly drunk) but I did understand the last sentence and it was all I needed. "Then he certainly didn't have a single brandy..."

"Is dat what 'e tahld you? Dat's what 'e stared wit! Where you goehys at? I'll comb and 'elp you get 'im to bed."

"We're at Canada's house. I'll need your help to peel him off Canada..." I looked at them. England now had Mathew tight in his arms and Mathew was struggling to get away from the crazy drunk man. "We may need more help too..."

"All right lass. I'll be dere soon." The phone beeped as he hung up.

I set the phone down and went back to trying to pry Canada from England's arms even though the effects were absolutely nothing.

Chocolate Flap Jacks [o.c. x Canada]Where stories live. Discover now