I Speak at Another Meeting

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"Time to go, Canada." I picked up my purse off the couch.

"I've got the keys. You got your bag?"

"I don't need the bag. I'm only five months along not nine!"

"Take the bag." Mathew stepped back into the room. "I don't want to take any chances."

"Fine!" I grabbed the bag and threw it at him. "You carry it then."

"Okay!" He shook his head. "France is going to meet us there."

"Alright then let's go." I hung my purse on my shoulder and followed him.

"We refuse to pledge allegiance to the divided Kingdom of Schokolade, nor to the King and Queen, whose rule has divided up justice for the few and the rich. We pledge our allegiance to a single Schokolade with no class system and equality and fairness for all." All of our voices rang out as one as we pledged to our flag.

"Miss Kinder," the leader said, I believe you are scheduled to speak tonight."

I stood from my seat in the back row and felt all heads turn towards me. I made my way to the front of the room and took the hand mic from the younger catholic pastor. "Thank you." I looked out at the room and took a deep breath. "I am Kinder. Every one of you knows that and by now you all know I am pregnant. I have not given up the fight as easily as the King would have liked. I have spoken with the King and Queen twice since the last meeting. They refuse to surrender their power unless removed by a force of our own so we need all able bodied citizens to sign up on a voluntary status to be trained in France. We ask that no pregnant women join this force as if you are pregnant, we cannot allow you to go into a gun fight with those still loyal to the King. I myself am barred from joining in on a possible gun fight and am only used in the political roles.

Since the last meeting, I have spoken with France and he has agreed to support us in our efforts. He agreed to send a few extra troops to help us and he has guaranteed supplies. We have decided that we need to install the new government just below the current one so when we take out the current one, we won't be free falling. France has specified that if this part of the arrangement is not done then he will withdraw his support. I speak with England tomorrow and that will determine just how much support we'll actually get. Does anyone have any questions before I sit down?"

A young woman in the middle of the room stood and called out in German. "Was genau sind die Bedingungen des Abkommens mit Kanada, Amerika und Frankreich?" ** What exactly are the terms of the agreement with Canada, America and France? **

I gave a small smile at the girl's interest in the politics since no one had asked about them yet. "America and Canada have offered to help us for free so long as we sign an ally agreement. France has agreed to do this as a favor for Canada and so he can only send in a small amount of troops. We currently have nothing to lose if we win or lose and my goal is to keep it this way. The same speech I am giving you now will be given to all of the different sectors of the rebellion."

A young man called out in French, "Comment le nouveau gouvernement va-t-il fonctionner?" ** How will the new government work? **

"We will have a representative from each division," I explained. "This representative can be anyone who wishes to help lead the country, man or woman of any sort. From there, the sectors of the rebellion will vote to choose one of the leaders in a private vote. There will be a single leader from each division and they will form a council which will include me. As a council they will collect votes from everyone and count them. Whichever vote or the topic wins is the one that they will vote for in the council. It is a simple way of organization which will work wonders for us in the future as it has Greece in the past and America in the present."

A young woman stood up in the back of the room. "When are you due?"

"Oh... um... that doesn't really apply here but I'm due in November." I smiled and subconsciously set my hand on my baby bump. "Thank you all for listening." I went back to my seat and sat down holding Canada's hand.

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