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The doorbell rang through the house as I stepped out of the shower. I pulled my towel tight around me and pulled on my underwear.

"Kinder! Door! And don't you dare make them wait on you!" Queen Mary's voice floated through the house.

I ran for the door, still holding up my small towel. I opened it the find the sturdy build of a young man about to press the button again. "Don't push the button again!"


I looked up at the man. "America?" I blushed deeply, very aware that I was still in my towel. My towel wasn't a big one like the others in the house. Mine was older, orange, and relatively narrow. It hardly covered my butt and breast at the same time and my clothes were in the bathroom. "Ah... um... please come in, Mr. America..." I turned to led him into the house with my head down.

"Kinder! Who was at the door?" yelled King Howard.

"It is Mr. America, sir!"

"Oh! Be good to him! Don't let this one get away!"

My expression darkened and my blush grew to a tomato red. "Yes, sir." I quickly walked to the bathroom and grabbed my clothes with America following me. "We can talk in my room." I rushed to my room with my clothes in my arms. I closed the door behind us and I stepped behind the paper changing screen that Queen Mary had given to me when she received a silk one form the Queen of France. I dropped my clothes and put on my bra. "Did Mathew send you?" I looked over the screen.

"No." America was sitting criss-cross on my bed facing the opposite wall. "I came to see how you were doing since you're such a young country."

"Oh." I pulled on my pants and shirt and stepped out. "Canada is supposed to come visit me. I had better tell him not to ring the doorbell..." I texted Mathew quickly to come to the servant's quarters and knock. "I don't want to be punished again today..."

"Punished...? Why were you punished?" America turned to look at me. He gave a small laugh.

 He gave a small laugh

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I blushed lightly. "Shut up. The prince got it from a friend and it didn't fit him so he shoved it into my clothes. My laundry gets done later tonight and this is all I have left..." I looked away from America in my oversized American flag tank top. "Now why are you here?"

He set his feet on the floor. "Matty seems to think we got off on the wrong foot so I came to try again."

"Okay..." I rubbed the scars on my arms. "In that case you can call me Kinder."

"Ah, sweet! In that case I'm Alfred Jones! I'm a hero!"

"Yeah..." I looked at him in my mirror as I searched my messy stand for a brush. "I know who you are."

"Oh..." Alfred cocked his head at me. "I guess we did get off wrong... I thought you were loud and obnoxious not a quiet person like Matty."

"Yeah... it's called acting..." I found my brush and brushed my hair through a couple times without really caring.

"Hey..." he looked at me with a softer smile. "What did he mean when he yelled that stuff?"

"Trust me, you don't want to know. So far as he'll ever know we spent a few hours in my room, I'm a lady and you're still a gentleman. I might have to make some stuff up to fill in the details if he asks."

"Oh..." he paused. "How many wars have you been in? You have a lot of different scars..."

"I've only been in two wars..." I rubbed my scared arms. "Most of these are the scars of my people but others are when I tried to die. I've tried to die so many times in so many different ways... I've tried everything form the guillotine to a pistol to the head. I guess I'm just too strong... I wanted to die so badly before. I never had any friends before I reached this level. I started being noticed and getting friends when I tried to get into the UN."

"I'm sorry I rejected you so fast at the UN meeting this morning." America rubbed his wrists and a spot over his heart.

"I'm sorry." I dropped my arms to my side. "I'm bringing up bad memories for you..." There was a knock at the door beside my room. "Oh... that must be Mathew. Wait here." I stepped out.

"Who's knocking?" screamed the Kings voice from across the manor.

"It's Canada sir!"

"Treat him well too, you hear me! At this rate we'll have the hole of North America!"

"Yes, sir!" I opened the door. "I should have had you text me instead..." I gestured for him to come inside. "We'll go to my room so they'll leave us be." I led Canada to my bed room and led him in.

America was still on my bed but he had something small and shinny in his hands now. "What is this?"    

Chocolate Flap Jacks [o.c. x Canada]Where stories live. Discover now