Good News

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"Kinder?" Canada's voice floated through the house. "Where are you? We're going to miss the World Meeting if we don't go soon."

"I'm in the bed room, Maple!' I yelled out as I stared at the clock. It seemed to move so slowly.

Lane ran through the door. "Mamma!" He jumped on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. "Can I go the meeting to? I want to see Uncle America and Uncle Prussia again."

"Ask your dad, mon ange, but Uncle Prussia won't be at the meeting." I looked back at the clock and was amazed at how fast time had passed when I wasn't staring at the clock. "And tell him to come here."

"Okay." Lane let go of me and ran down the hall. "Papa! Momma says I can go with you!"

I laughed lightly as I looked at the plastic stick on my nightstand. I picked it up to get a better look. Two lines. I smiled.

Canada slipped on the hard wood floor in his socks as he ran to our room. "Kinder, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong Matty!" I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck. "In fact things couldn't be better!" I pressed my lips to his maple-sweet lips. "Look." I showed him the pregnancy test.

Canada smiled. "We did it!" He picked me up by the waist and spun me around. He brought me back down and pressed his lips to mine again.

I released from the kiss and cupped my hands around his face. "Je t'aime, Canada."

"Je t'aime aussi, Schokolade." He kissed me lightly again and was smiling when we pulled apart. "We've got to get to the meeting."

I laughed and dropped my hands. "That's right. We're already going to be late, huh?"

"Yeah." He removed his hands from my waist and picked up the coat he'd dropped on his way in the door. "Lane will probably be ready to go already. He really wants to see Alfred."

"He likes Al's hustle and bustle. I just hope he doesn't grow into an overactive gun-loving freedom-fighter like your little brother."

"Al's not as bad about that as you think. He's just immature still. He's growing up."

"If you say so." I grabbed my coat and my shoes from the closet and put them on. I led the way out the door and we were quickly at the world meeting.

America was waiting outside for us. "Uncle America!" Lane yelled as he ran up to him.

"Hey there, little dude!" Alfred hugged Lane. It's been a few days, huh?"

"You should come over more often," Lane said as he crossed his arms.

America laughed. "I don't think your Papa would like it I was always there. He does need some space from his little brother."

"Let's go in," I said as I grabbed Lane's hand in my free one, the other being in Canada's hand.

"Oh man." Alfred rubbed his neck. "See I left the keys at England's house so we have to wait for him to get here to go in."

"You dummkopf." I shook my head. "That door isn't locked."

"It's not?" America pulled on the door. "Oh! It's not! Um... Let's go in then. Women and children first." He held the door open for us.

We stepped through the door and walked down the long hall to the meeting room. Behind us I could hear America talking into his phone. I couldn't tell what he was saying but I could hear the grainy response of his phone.

America stopped us at the door and opened it again.

I stepped into the room and it appeared no one was there yet. I spotted a small yellow chick on the table. Lane was the first to recognize it even though I'd grown up with the small chick.

"Gilbird! Uncle Prussia must be here, Momma!" Lane ran to the table to pet Gilbird. "Found you, Uncle Prussia!"

Prussia climbed out from under the table with a smile. "Zee avezome me knew you vould, Lane!" He hugged my boy from on his knees.

"I'm awesome just like you too, Uncle Prussia!" Lane laughed.

"Yeah you're avezome too put none are as avezome as zee avezome Bruzia!" Gilbert picked Lane up over his head with a hearty laugh. "You'fe kained veight, Lane!"

"I'm stronger now too!" Lane boasted as Prussia set him down. "Momma says I've recovered faster than most people would."

"I'll zay. Arh ! It's only peen ein veek zince you left Schokolade. Little zisder has peen taking kood care of you, child."

"Where is everyone?" Lane asked for me. "I wanted to hug Uncle Germany and Mr. France and meet some other countries!"

"Zey're ein little puzy in another room, Lane. Arh ! Ve'll ko zee zem afder ve get zome food from zee kitchen for Gilpird."

"Okay! Can I carry Gilbird?" Lane asked, bouncing excitedly.

Prussia nodded and set the little bird on Lane's shoulder. "Keep your head up und schoulters square like ein zoldier und you von't haffe any trouple."

"Okay." Lane petted Gilbird on his shoulder and the little yellow bird cuddled into his fingers. Lane laughed. "What food does he eat?"

"I'll schow you. Come on Lane." Prussia led the way back out the door and Canada and I followed.

I looked up at Canada as we walked along behind them. "They're trying to distract us." I looked for America but it seemed that once Prussia had our attention, Alfred had bailed. "He's gone."

"I noticed. Let's just stay with Prussia for now." Canada smiled. "It's not going to hurt anything."



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