Let's Embarrass Germany A Bit...

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Canada was in the shower again taking a cold shower (like I had told him to) as I sat on the couch with Germany and Spain across from me. We were all being awkward because of what had just happened in the bed room. I was still in the silk shirt and black lace but I had buttoned it all the way so it was like a loose night shirt. "I'm really sorry about all this..."

"So you're trying to have a baby?" Spain asked.

"Yeah..." I looked at the small framed ultra sound on the wall. "Jacob was still born and we want to try again. I've been cleared to try again by a doctor..."

"Is he any good?" Spain asked nonchalantly.

"Don't ask mein little zister if sche has kood zex! As far as I'm concerned zis neffer habened!" Germany looked mortified.

"I'm an adult Brother Germany. It's not like I don't know that you do it too." I craossed my arms. "Is you're sex any good?"

"Mein life is mein life! Don't ko trying to turn zis around on me. Arh! I do not vant ein rebeat of vat habened afder vorld var one! Zis is not mein fault! Jawohl!""

"Not accusing you..." I said as nonchalantly as Spain had. "Is Italy any good in bed?"

"Ve are not discuzing zis!" Germany jumped up, blushing hard.

"So yes..." Spain mused.

"Sbain! I zought you vere on mein zide!"

"Not really." Spain laughed. "I'm not on anyone's side here."

"It's okay. I'll change the subject... Actually..." I bit my lip lightly. I was a bit afraid of asking Germany to support us but I only needed a little more supplies before we'd be ready to remove the monarchy. "Big brother, we need your help in a more important way than a knot in our hair..."

"It must pe imbortant for you to call me 'pig prother' rather zan mein name..." Germany's expression changed instantly. "Vat is it little zisder?"

"My military needs supplies. I know when you said I could leave that I had to be completely self-sufficient but my country has fallen over the last seven years to where we need some help to remove our monarchy without affecting the citizens too much. We need more ammunition to fight the army of mercenaries at the Queen's disposal."

"I'll help."

"There is nothing we can offer you in exchange for your help..."

"You're mein little zister. Of courze I'll help you vith zublies. Zee Idalian army only eats basta und zurrenters anyvays. You'd but it to much petder uze. Plood is zicker zan vater, you know?"

"I heard a rumor about this," Spain said, his attention peaked. "You're trying to over throw that tyrant of a ruler right? How do you plan on doing it?"

I couldn't very well tell him the plan. It was classified information that was only shared on a need to know with the top generals and the new government. "Sorry, Spain, I can't tell you that..." I looked up at him as Canada came back into the room. "Thank you for your help, Brother. Thank you for helping us tonight, Spain."

"Not a problem," Spain said happily. "And I understand that you can't talk war stagey outside of the war room."

"Thank you, Spain. Now," I stood, "If you would excuse me, you did a lot of pulling that I, unfortunately, liked so I'm going to go take a nice, long, cold shower." I walked off towards the bathroom, catching all three of them blushing out of the corner of my eye.

Chocolate Flap Jacks [o.c. x Canada]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang