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I waited for the room to clear before I even took my boots off the table. I sat at the table with my arms still crossed and my eyes closed so I wouldn't have to meet any of the in the hall. What a waste of my time! I'd been trying to get here for the last six years and now that I was here, others were nothing but rude and inconsiderate... well... except Canada. Canada was a real sweetheart. I sighed.

"Um... Schokolade...?" Canada's small voice floated across the room.

"Ah... Canada..." I opened my eyes and looked at him still across the table from me. "I thought you'd left already."

"No... I wanted to make sure you were okay. The way you backed down from America made is seem like he might have hurt you." He stared down at his hands.

I smiled at him. "No, he didn't hurt me." I leaned forward and looked at the mess they'd left the table. "These men know nothing of manners, do they?"

"Um... Ay."

I laughed lightly. "You could've spoke out you know." I rested my head on my fist as I stared Canada in the eye. "You don't have to stand in the back."

"I don't try to but it seems like nobody ever even sees me."

I smiled a sympathetic smile. I knew what that was like. There was a time when I wasn't even noticed by Brother Germany or Brother France (even though I went back and forth between their houses) and I still wasn't noticed by Brother Prussia sometimes. "I know what it's like."

"Really?" he asked. "You seemed so assertive during the meeting."

"Yeah... even faulty confidence and an inflated ego are better than just blending in. I won't be nearly as assertive next time... there's just no helping those like us. I wish this was more in my element."

"But, you seemed completely in your element this time."

"I wasn't. Acting is easy for me as it is a big part of my culture but even method acting only lasts so long... and it doesn't seem to last long for me." I laid my head on the table and sighed. "I just want to disappear sometimes and others I wish I didn't just disappear."

"I know what you mean, Schokolade. You should come visit me some time."

I blushed lightly, hoping Canada wouldn't notice. "That sounds fun, Canada."

"Would you like to walk out with me?" Canada asked.

I looked up to see Canada was red faced. "S-sure. Oh and you can call me Kinder."

"Like the sweet?"

"Yeah. Just like the sweet."

"Okay, Kinder. You can call me Mathew."

I smiled. "Thanks for being nice to me, Mathew." I stood up. "Looks like it's about time to go."

"Yeah..." Mathew stood and stepped up beside me. He opened the door for me.

"Thank you." I stepped out the door and waited for him to close the door before we started down the hall side by side. We walked down the hall together but even the two of us seemed to disappear as we walked together since no one noticed either of us. Even after the scene I had caused, Brothers Germany and France both missed even seeing me. We reached the door and stepped out. Outside, both of our bosses were standing together waiting for us.

"There you are Kinder," said Queen Mary, ruler of Schokolade. "What took you so long? Some of the other nations left ten minutes ago."

"I'm sorry, My Lady. I was speaking with Canada after the meeting finished." My voice sounded so weak being unable to bounce off the smooth walls. It was smaller than Canada's was.

"Oh, would you speak up, child?" she said angrily.

"I have the same problem with Matty here," Canada's boss said. "He's just too soft spoken."

"Well I hope you at least made a friend, Kinder."

"Just Mathew, My Lady." I said gesturing to Canada.

"Just Canada, then?" She shook her head at me. "I told you to try to make friends with America, Kinder."

"I'm sorry, ma'am." I hung my head, knowing that a verbal lashing awaited me when we arrived back at home. "He was very rude to me and we did not get along at all."

"It's not her fault, My Lady," Mathew said as he set his hand protectively on my shoulder causing me to blush again. "I'm afraid my little brother can be a bit too much, even for me sometimes, and he is a little bit rude. He is hard to make fast friends with. Kinder may need to try a few times before he'll accepter in the way you want him too."

"Yes, his boss seems to have an acquired taste as well..." She turned to the Governor General. "Are all American's like that?"

"Every one of them I have ever met is that way."

"I see." Queen Mary sighed. "We must go now, Kinder. In the car."

"Yes, ma'am. Good bye for now, Mathew." I smiled at Canada in a thanks for trying to help (even though he really hadn't helped) and climbed into the seat of the fancy car before me.

" I smiled at Canada in a thanks for trying to help (even though he really hadn't helped) and climbed into the seat of the fancy car before me

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