Talking To France

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I sat eating potato chips on Mathew's couch as I spoke with him and America. "So what they need is a plan and an army. We got the votes in this part of the country." I pointed at the spot on the map around the capital. "But there are still three other parts to the country who are against the King and Queen. They all want the reinforcements too. If we had supplies we would easily have a small army large enough to remove the royals but we don't have the supplies nor the extra people to keep that going."

"I called France..." Mathew sat close beside me and kissed my cheek. "He'll be here soon."

There was a knock at the door. "That must be him." America got up to answer the door.

"How do you all get around so fast?" I asked Canada as I sat back. "It took us all day to get here and some of you get places in mere seconds!"

"It all depend on who you know and the relationship you have with them. Some houses like mine America's and France's house are all connected. America is connected to England. I have some slower ties in Russia. It all depends on the relations." He sat back on the couch with one arm around me. His arm around me was something I'd grown extremely used to over the lat month. "France can get here fast because he's my dad."

"Wait... Mr. France is your dad?" I asked.

"Bonior, Mathew!" France said as he stepped into the room. "Bonior Ms. Schokolade." He smiled at us.

That was when I saw the family resemblance. They both had a small curl on the top of their head and both had a winning smile. I felt that France's facial hair probably drew away from my liking of him because otherwise he looked a lot like Canada. "Hello, Mr. France."

"Ah, dear, call me Francis!" He smiled at me. "You've picked a good one, Mathew. Beauty in all of its forms should be loved."

"You can call me Kinder..." My voice came out small. It wasn't weak or scared but rather more like Mathew's voice. It grew more like Canada's voice daily.

"Ah Kinder... such a lovely name. A very sweet chocolate it is." France's smile faded as he came to an awkward pause in the conversion. "Ah... I see. It is time to get serious then? Let's begin with the basics."

"Yes. We want your help to help Kinder because her ruler is oppressive to her people and is an extremely cruel family," America said for us. "We want to install a new style of democracy and parliament into the place of the King and Queen."

"Yes, America. I understand that part. You need troops and supplies in order to do so, Oui?"

"Oui, Francis." I leaned into Canada a bit, not really noticing until our bodies were touching. "My people need the aid of other countries without having to give up everything to them for our freedom."

"Mathew, why do you want to help her? I understand that she is your girlfriend but are you sure you want to risk the lives of your troops to defend her?" France asked.

I didn't blush at the mention of us dating. It had grown tiresome that everyone assumed we were dating even though we were just good friends at the time. I could tell the question was more of a get to full understanding question than it sounded. If we wanted France's help we would have to give him something.

Mathew surprised me by laying a hand lightly on my currently nonexistent baby bump. "I have to help her. I made a promise." He looked me in the eye.

I swear if it wasn't for France and America I would have full on fell into his arms in absolute love at that very moment. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand from my belly.

A huge smile broke across France's face. "Oh! I see now! Congratulations, Matty. It is a truly rewarding part of life." His smile faltered for just a second as though there was something he wanted to say that wasn't as nice but he didn't say it. He didn't have to say it.

I already knew. When a country has a child they tend to be sickly and small. Most don't make it to the age of ten. It is hard on the country as much as it would be on any other parent. A country can't even have a properly heathy child with another country so most of them stuck to adoption. Those young offspring of countries who did survive would often become countries or micro-nations or (in the case of America and Canada) states or provinces. Here was no way for the offspring of a country and a human to survive so I didn't have the same dreams for the child inside of me as other mothers did for their children.

America's voice brought me back to reality. "So I suppose this means that we want the possible war and the over throwing of the government done before the little one arrives."

"Yes." I looked at him. "We want the entire thing done with. I want the new government put in place before we take the old one out."

"Good idea. That way there is only a little ways to fall rather than have to climb all the way back up tooth and nail..." Alfred said approvingly.

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